Chapter 38

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Where is Leona, Cara and Scooter. They have been gone for an hour now. I walk down the aisle of the stables. All the horses are in the corner of their stables. I see the little Welsh foal in the corner of her stable. Little Kandy. I see the whites in her eyes. She wants Cara. I walk in to the stable. I take out a Polo mint. The little foal takes it with caution and chews it. I stroke the little foal's nose. I kiss her on her forehead. I walk out of the stable and I see Sammy. He is scared. He looks like that helpless colt I found eight years ago. I walk into his stable and I wrap my arms around his neck. I love him so much. He's all I've got left of Suzanne. She was a friend to me. She helped me get over my problems. She helped me become me. She tells me who I am. She helped me through my teenage life. She helped me become the rider I truly am. I guess not. I'm supposed to be an eventer. She said she'd be there looking at me when I gallop the course of Badminton. She said she'd never seen a girl who never gives up easily. She helped Leona too. Leona had tough times too in her teenage life. Suzanne thought us to be independent. She helped me achieve my trust between Sammy and I. I feel tears stream down my face. I'm glad Sammy is with me. He listens to me. I've had tough times with my football team. They were not a team of friends. I'm sorry but, a team of bitches. Still are. I just tell Sammy about my hard times and he will listen. He doesn't care of who I am. What I do? My hobbies? What I love? Suzanne thought me that animals help you through your tough times. I feel Sammy wrap is head around me tightly and he gives a little whinny. I kiss him and rub playfully with his forelock. He can feel that I'm hurt. I am. That bay horse was all Leona had left of her childhood. I kiss Sammy's soft muzzle. He licks me back.

As I walk out of the bay horse's stable. I see Leona and Cara. No Scooter? Leona's eyes are red from crying. I race over to her and hug her. ''I'm sorry! I'm sorry!''. I cry. Leona hugs me back but doesn't say anything back. I lead Cara to her stable. I see my dad. He looks furious. ''Well! What happened when I was working!''. He shouts. That lazy ass got a job! I'm surprised! ''That idiot daughter of yours killed him!''. I shout. ''Don't speak of your sister like that you bitch!''. He shouts. I feel the heat rise in me. Amanda walks into the stables. ''That horse almost crushed me!''. She shouts at my face. I look up at her. My eyes burn holes through her. I feel my aggressive side come alive. My demon has awoken. ''You killed him!''. I shout. Amanda looks at me like I blamed her for murder. I am blaming her. ''Why did you take him out?''. I shout at her. ''Him! That's a he! I thought it was your racehorse Scooter!''. She shouts back. I feel heat rise in me. ''Did you ask if you could ride one of our horses?''. I ask still shouting at her. ''I just wanted to ride''. Amanda answers. I feel rage. ''You didn't have permission!''. I shout. ''Stop it! The both of you! Sarah go inside now!''. My dad shouts. He is telling me to go inside. I have to make sure Scooter gets back and my friend is okay! ''No''. I say quietly. ''Excuse me?''. My dad says. ''No!''. I shout. I walk past him and up to Amanda. ''Get off of my farm! Now!''. I shout. ''You ruined my life once again, genius!''. I add. I don't know what happens but Amanda ends up giving me a blow. She hits me right in my bad shoulder. I feel it crack. I grab onto it in pain. ''Sarah, she didn't mean to—'', my dad says softly. ''—go away now. Leave me alone''. I say as get up slowly off of the ground, still clutching my shoulder. Leona comes up and she lets hell break out. ''What is wrong with you guys! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Go away! Ever since Lizzie's death you guys just wouldn't shut up! I hate it!''. Leona shouts as she lets me lean on her. ''Shut up idiot''. Amanda says. ''You shut your mouth pretty girl or I'll make that face of yours look sooooooo bad!''. Leona threatens. ''Come on Amanda!''. My dad says. Amanda hops into my dad's Ford Focus. Leona walks back to the stables. I stand there outside of the stable, clutching my shoulder. My dad walks up to me. ''Wake up. You're ridiculous. You're nothing like your mother or sister. You're being stupid. Spoilt. Set your life straight now, Sarah! She's dead! Get over it! You're not my daughter! You're just a brat that Elizabeth had to look after! Cop- on! Live in the real world!''. He shouts. I smell fresh Irish Whiskey off of his breath. I stand there and stare at him. I never looked at him like this before. I showed him rage. ''Okay then! I'm not your daughter. Grand then. I don't have a mother or father. I always thought I was adopted. You knacker!''. I hiss. He spits on the ground and walks up to his car. He better not come back. I feel tears swell in my eyes. I've never been so hostile in my life. I'm back to stage one now. Thise questions I've asked myself so many years ago. Those questions Suzanne helped me answer. Who am I? What has my life become? Why is life hard? Why does my family and relatives hate me? I walk into the farmhouse and cry myself to sleep.

I can't sleep though. I walk to Sammy's stable. I see him in there sleeping. I have no clue where Leona is. I lie down beside Sammy. I ask him my questions. It's like he is trying to answer them for me. I shut my eyes and let the pony get his sleep.

Leona's P.O.V. ( Omg. First Leona POV)

I've never seen Sarah's family so aggressive to each other. I found Sean in with Glic hugging her. He seems to have found a friend. He was sobbing as the fight goes on. I lie down in Cara's stable. She lies down too. I close my eyes and I hear what Sarah's dad says to her. ''You're not my daughter''. He says coldly to her. I feel tears rise in my eyes. I wish Calumbo were alive. He is so special to me. I wish Lizzie were alive. She would have helped him. I hear the Ford drive away and Sarah's footsteps fading away. No. It's exactly what she did when Lizzie died. She walked away from us and shut us all out. I don't want that again. She is all I've got left. I wish Suzanne were here. She would do her barrister stuff and everything would be good. Why do the good people go?

I wake up to hearing Sarah sobbing. She asks Sammy questions. She stops talking then. She is asleep. I get up quietly and I see Sarah cuddled up against Sammy. Sammy licks her hand as she sleeps. He looks up at me kindly. It's like I can hear his voice. He says to me, It's okay. She's okay. Trust me. Stay with her. I stare into the pony's bright eyes. He then goes back to licking Sarah's hand. I hear hoofsteps. It's Scooter. I race up to her. I grab her head and kiss her. She needs to keep Sarah with me. I can't live without my friend. Sarah is all I've got left. My family live in another country surprisingly. I live by myself. In an apartment. I mostly live here though. I must ask Sarah about moving in. Freaking apartment. I barely use it. I lead Scooter to her stable. I watch her as she lies down in her stable. She then looks at me. It's like she asks me, come lie down with me. I look at her though. I see Sarah standing beside me. ''You can hear her too''. Sarah says quietly. ''A horse whisperer can only read body language. An owner and rider can hear them''. She says. I look at Sarah. She squares her shoulders. She walks into Scooter's stable. She lies down beside the mare and shuts her eyes. I decide to join them. I lie down beside Sarah. ''Will you ever leave me?''. I ask her. ''No. Your family left you without you knowing. Why should I do that to you. You're all I've got left. I miss Suzanne. I miss me mam. I miss your bay. Why do the good people have to die? Why does life work like that?''. Sarah says. I pat her shoulder. She winces in pain. Scooter feels her pain and starts to sniff her shoulder. Sarah closes her eyes. I decide to ask her a question. ''What now?''. I ask. ''We win that race. Miranda is going down. I want to win that race. Show the world what young girl can do. Then, I want to move on with my life and become an eventer. I'm not finished my quest. It's only getting started''. Sarah answers. I stay quiet. ''Can I help?''. I ask. ''Yep''. Sarah says. ''Can I move in with you?''. I ask. Sarah closes her eyes. ''I don't care as long as your beside me. I've know since playschool''. (kindergarten)I smile. I remember that day at playschool. I roll over onto my side and slowly fall asleep. I think of Calumbo. He was all I had left of my older sister.

Stay with your best friend no matter what!!!!!
I'm still with my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
They will help you get through problems!!!!!
You need friends to support you through the harsh life of the world! They need you too!!!

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed!
I'll see ya's in the next chapter!
Goodnight guys!❤️❤️🐴🐴

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