General Fong

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Aangs POV:
We are finally going to meet General Fong who is going to give us an escort to Omashu!  I'm so excited to start my training with Bumi!  It's going to be so much fun!

I land Appa in the middle of a huge court yard where are greeted by many guards and General Fong himself!  He is a very tall and overall big man with a huge beard!

General Fong: Welcome Avatar!  It is an honor to have you and your friends with us!  Brave Sokka, the mighty Katara, the powerful Anya!

Katara: Mighty Katara?  I like that

Then we see fireworks light up the sky!

Sokka: Not bad, not bad at all.

I bow to the Genaral

Aang: Thank you for having us here, it is an honor to meet you

We all walk inside a massive building where we sit inside the generals study where there is a huge map in the center of the room

General Fong: Avatar, I have brought you here to tell you that I have developed a new plan to defeat the firenation.....Avatar Aang, you are ready to defeat the firelord now

Aang: WHAT!?  NO IM NOT!

Katara: Aang still has to master all four elements

General Fong: Why?  You posseces the awsome power of the avatar state, with that kind of power we could cut a course right into the heart of the firenation and you could face your destiny

Aang: General, with all due respect, I need to learn and master all the elements and disciplines in order to do this right

General Fong: Well, why you take your time learning the elements our young men are being killed on the front lines!  And you could end it!

Aang looks at all of us and seems to make a decision

Aang: Alright I'll give it a try

Anya: Aang?  What are you talking about!?  You know that this is not the right way to do this!

General Fong: Master Anya, with all due respect this is not up to you

Anya: It's not up to you either General!  You also know that this is not how this is suppose to go down!

I see Anya storm off with Katara at her heels chasing after her

Sokka: We should go

General Fong: I will see you tomorrow Avatar and we will work on the avatar state and end this war!

Anya's POV:
I can't believe that Aang is just going to throw all we have worked for out the window!  He knows that this is not the right path!  This can only end badly!

Katara: Anya?

Anya: I'm in here

Katara: Why did you run off?  Are you ok?

Anya: I'm fine I'm just frustrated!  Aang knows that this is not a good idea and yet he is just following the General!  He needs to learn to stick up for himself!

Katara: Ok Anya easy your talking really fast and your not blinking just take some deep breaths ok?

I take a deep breath and then sigh, then I feel Katara sit down next to me and put her hand on my back

Katara: Aang will figure it out, we just have to trust him

I look up at her and nod

Anya: Uh Katara

She turns and looks at me

Anya: Look you know that special skill I have?

Katara: Ya?

Anya: What if the General finds out?

Katara: So what if he does?

Anya: He will try to use me, I only use that power when I really need to, I hate using it and it drains a lot of my energy

Katara: Dint worry he won't find out

Anya: How do you know?

Katara: Because he is way to focused on Aang and the Avatar state

I nod and smile

Aangs POV:
The next day is filled with General Fong putting me through different tests and having me try different things to enduce the Avatar State but nothing is working!  Anya and Katara are right, this is the wrong way to go it just doesn't feel right, I feel like if I was suppose to defeat the firelord this way we would have figured it out by now

I tell Sokka my decision and then go to tell General Fong with Anya and Sokka right behind me

General Fong: Are you sure I can't change your mind about this?

Aang: I'm sure, I can only go into the Avatar State when I'm in great danger

General Fong: I was afraid you would say that

Then I see General Fong earthbound the map table at me and throw everything he has at me, Sokka and Anya


As I am fighting everyone off I notice Anya looking very very mad, I've never her seen her like that she starts to mover her hand in a peculiar way and I notice some of the guards stop bending and drop to the ground, they don't seem to control of their own bodies


Anya: What I need to do!


Anya: Bloodbending

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