Visit my parents

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Semi's POV

Jungkook and i stick together all day.

"Hey kookie! We forgot to meet my parents yesterday. Come on let's meet my parents" I said and pull him

"Now?" He ask and i nod then pull him again. We ride bus together and it will take 2 hours.

Jungkook's POV

"So hey? Can i ask you about something?" She ask

"What is is?" I ask blankly

"About your girl" She said

"Shut up" I said

"Yah yah yah! The jeon jungkookie before is back" She said and nudged me. " Just wanted to know how did you meet her? How did she melt your ice? Can anyone do that? Or she's the only one who can?" She ask and i look at her

" I said shut up" I said calmly

"Aigooo! This guy is really!" She said and rolled her eyes then look at the window.

"Ohhh! Yah! So beautiful views! Kookie" She said and look at her.

"Can i borrow your phone?" She ask

"Why don't you use yours?" I said

"Im all out of battery" She said and pout. I rolled my eyes and get my phone and give it to her. She took a picture of the views then suddenly she tap me

"Yah?! Let's take a picture"She said

"I don't want to" I said with a tone of annoyance.

"Hm! Would you take picture with me or i'll kiss you? Choose wisely" She said and i smirk

"As if . And i don't want to take pictures with you" I said and turn my face around to look at her. When i face her her face is a few inches away.
"Yah!" I shout then she lean closer. I nudge her

"Ok ok!" I said then she giggle

"Yah smile!' She said and then i forced smile

"Send this to me okay?" She said and smile. She was about to give it to me

"Ah! I forgot i still have 30%" Then she giggle

"This girl is really" I said and smirk then roll my eyes. She send the picture then give it to me
I was about to delete it but she stopped me

"Yah why? I already send it to you. You already have the copy can i delete it now?" I ask her

"You're going to regret that when you delete it" She said i release a sigh.
I put my earphone and listen to Eminem's songs. After 30 mins i look at semi she's falling asleep. Her head fell on my shoulders. My eyes widened so i look at her face
Why are you making me feel this way
I release a sigh. Stop it semi. Not again
We arrived at the last stop

"Semi" I said and shake her a little but she didn't wake up. I stood up and her head fell so she woke up

"Oh! Yes? Yes?" She said still half asleep and i laugh a little cause of her cuteness.

"We're here! Let's go" I said and grab her wrist and pull her with me.

"So where are we going?" I ask

"Let's go take the cab" She said

Semi's POV

We took the cab i told the driver our address. After 10 mins we arrived at our house.

"Is this your house?" He ask and i smile and nod we enter the house

"Oh welcome back semi" Our housekeeper welcomed me then hug me she's really close to me "Oh and hello there" She greeted kookie then look at me. Kookie bow to her and greet her.

"Where's mommy?" I ask

"they're eating. They missed you so much" She answer.
Me and kookie started walking to the dinning room. My mom and dad saw me and they stood up and hug me

"Oh my princess we missed you a lot" My dad said and hug me again

"Ah mom dad this is kookie" I said then kookie bow

"Hey" My dad and mom said kookie bow. They tap kookie on the shoulders.

"Why didn't you text us that you're coming? So we could've order a lot of food" My mom said

"It's alright" I said

"What are you eating anyways?" I ask and walk to the dinning room. "Why aren't there food that much?" I ask

"You're the one who eats a lot since you're not here we prefer a little food than a lot" My dad said and sit down "But since you're here let's order a lot of food and also since you have a visitor. Why don't you invite myungsoo too?" My mom ask. I saw kookie look at me my smile disappear a little "Ah he's kind of a busy these past few days" I said and force smile again.

"Oh is that so? You should invite him someday? Okay?" My dad said and i nod they ask us to eat. After we eat

"Honey why don't you stay here for a while? Just this night" My mom said and i look at kookie

"I can't mom my friend needs to go" I said and look at kookie. My dad look at kookie

"Can't you stay here? Just for tonight?" My dad ask kookie

"Ah. Of course i can" Kookie said and my eyes widened

"Yah! Your friend said he can stay. We'll tell them to prepare the other room. Why don't you stay at semi's room first" My mom said and he nod so we ran upstairs to my room.

"So. Can't say no to my parents ey?" I said and giggle

"What an annoying day" He said and roll his eyes. I chuckle

"It's annoying for you but for me it's a fun day. Maybe one of the best day I've ever had" I said and lay on my bed

Jungkook's POV

"So your theme is really pink and purple?" I ask and she nod

"Hm" she answer soulless "I already told you before i love them" She added

"Whatever. Make sure we're going to be early tomorrow" I said and stood up and walk out the door and enter the other room suddenly my phone vibrate.

text message...

Semi: Goodnight! Have a nice sleep! :)

I smile and put my phone down i do want to take a quick shower but too bad i don't have clothes.


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