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Third's POV

"When did you and your boyfriend started dating?" V suddenly ask that made semi look at him.

"U-uh... It's been a month actually" I said faking a smile and look down while stroking my hair.

"Is it uncomfortable to ask things like that? Im sorry" V apologize and semi just shook her head and continue eating.


Semi woke up and tied her hair to ponytail then open the door and saw the boys sitting on the couch having their own world. She smile and walk out the door and sit beside V then they all look at her

"Should we go around and look for something to buy? Let's have fun" She said and they all agree. They stood up and started taking a shower. (The picture). And the boys look simple but stylish and makes sure that no one will notice them. They all gather at the living room.
They went out and go straight to the mall some of the people keep on looking and looking at them so they walk faster.

"Ah guys. Let's go there and buy something" Semi said and point a store. They all agree and they enter the store. As soon as they enter the store somebody notice them.

"Yah isn't that semi? With bts?"

"She's the international model"

"This is so amazing seeing btS and international model together"

"Does she have a boyfriend one of the boys?"

Semi get her phone and dial. All the people started to gather around them and ask for their picture. Surely more like a fanmeeting. Suddenly 10 bodyguards arrived and push the fans away from them. The bodyguard circle around them and stay like that while walking. Since they need to compress jungkook and semi unintentionally face each other since it's kinda tight there. Semi turn around and change places with V. While they are walking they bought something. Souvenirs. After they buy things they decided to switch place since they all notice them.

"Im really sorry about that guys. I wasn't expec...... -No semi it's alright. That was kinda fun" Suga cut her and smile at her.

"So where do you want to go next?"

"Zoo" Jhope said cheerfully so semi chuckle and nod. After a while they arrived at the zoo they hop out the car and wear their face mask and cap so they won't notice them. They started walking and stroll around the zoo

"Oh guys! Let's take a picture with that" Semi said full of joy and run to the snake. A really huge snake. Jhope gulp and follow them. They all took a photo with the snake and now it's jhope's turn

"Ah i-i do-don't w-wanna" He stutter and fake a smile

"It's fine. It'll be fine" Semi said and push jhope. When the snake was about to put it on him he stood up really scared and beg semi that he doesn't want to do it. The boys are laughing because of the reaction he did. Semi told him to go back and this is a souvenir picture. He then obey what semi said and succeed. He rub his whole body when the snake was off him

"That's not bad at all" He said and smile. All of them laugh because of his reaction. They stroll again and saw some elephants and take a picture with and the tigers specially its jungkooks favorite animal.

"Ohh i love tigers can we take pictures with them?" Semi ask and the owner quickly nod. She ask the boys to come with her but they refuse since it's scary

"Yah just go with jungkook. It's his favorite animal though" Jin said and semi look at jungkook. Jungkook walk to her and enter the cage with jungkook and her 10 bodyguards and the owner. They went closer to the tiger and take a picture with it just the both of them suddenly the tiger groaned and semi got shock suddenly she hug jungkook and dig her head to jungkooks chest because she's scared. The boys took a picture of it. Jungkook hug her tight and smile while the owner is holding the tiger and her bodyguards is surrounded by them. They went out the cage semi is still hugging kookie. When they reach out semi let go and look down and turn around and go with the boys because she find it really awkward and really embarrassing to hug your ex boyfriend.

"Uh guys. Im hungry let's eat" She said and walk away really fast leaving the boys behind. Suddenly jimin nudged jungkook

"Yah having the first move ey?" He ask and chuckles. Jungkook giggle and look at his hyungs.

"Yah aren't you guys coming?" Semi shout and the boys started walking and follow her. They eat dinner together and talk about some random stuffs. Suddenly semis phone rung so she picked it up.

"Unnie? Why?"

"Yah you have a schedule make sure to be home okay?"

"So soon?" She ask really doesn't want to go home yet and still want to hang out with the boys.

"Yah... We have an agreement right?'
She rolled her eyes and said she's going home already. They hung up and go back to the table and talk with the boys again.

"So uhh guyss do you have some schedules after this?" she ask and they nod

"A lot of concerts and some fanmeetings since it's our comeback and of course a lot performance and parties we need to attend" Rapmon answer and i nod

"Why? You? Do you have a schedule? Im Sure you have a tough schedule" Jin ask really worried.

"Yes you're right but im here to rest but still my manager is accepting some schedules soooo it's actually not what you call a rest" She said and chuckle.

"Here? In Malaysia?" Suga ask and raise his left eyebrow

"No in korea. Im supposed to be resting"

"What do you mean? Why? Did you gave up on being an international model?" V ask really curious

"No! Guys im only staying in korea for a month maybe. Im going back to states again and continue my modeling" She said and continue eating.

"What? So you're saying that you're not gonna stay here in korea?" Jungkook ask and all off them are looking semi waiting for her reply

"Uh... Yes! Why would i stay here? There is no reason for me to stay here. Don't even think about my parents because they wanted me to stay there i just insisted to go here and rest for a while" She answer then stood up. "Let's continue this talk tomorrow im kinda tired so goodnight guys" She said and walk to her room and enter the her room Leaving the guys jaw drop

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