That was close

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Third's POV

Girls were about to show semi the video but suddenly

"Semi. It's time to go you're late" Her manager shout and the she turn around and bid goodbye to the girls and headed to the studio.

"Ahm unnie do i have some free day? I really wanted to go shopping"

"Oppss. Sorry honey you're really busy super busy"
Semi lean back and cross her arms.

"Hey have you heard about the boy group that is in LA right now? They said they are from where i live"

"Oh yeah the korean boy group? Do you want to meet them? They are training here and they are meeting some famous singers and dancers here"

"Really? Can i meet them?" She ask excitedly. Then annie look at semis schedule

"They are staying here for only 2 weeks. Unfortunately you have a bunch of schedules in a month" She explained and smile. Semi lean baack again and roll her eyes.
She did the photoshoot and take a break and change clothes of course since she's endorsing a lot of things.

After 3 months.....

"Hey semi there is a kcon here this month and the boy group you wanted to meet is performing too. Do you want to go?"

"Of course i do. Im really curious about them because the girls are getting crazy about them. Are they that good?" She ask and turn her chair around.

"They said they are. I forgot what their group name are"

"Nevermind and buy me a ticket. 5 tickets in front so no one is sitting beside me. Pushing and pulling" She said while doing what fangirls do where they are watching concert. Annie chuckle and nod.


Semi enter and a lot of people are looking at her and shouting her name since she is really famous. She's so beautiful and you can see her sexiness because of her outfit. Which is You can see her shaped body and her abs that is showing and her long legs because of the fitted pant. You can see how beautiful she is (The picture is the one she's wearing). They were taking a lot picture of semi before the concert started. Half of the audience were just looking at semi.

After the girl generations it will be bts. When Girls generation is about to finish their performance semi's Phone rings. She answer it and can't hear what is her mom saying so she went out with her bodyguards.

Bts started performing. After the performance they talk for a while and introduce their selves

"Ahm we heard that one of the very famous international model is here. So can we please put the spotlight on her" Rapmon said and look for the model he was talking about. Suddenly one of the crew went the stage and told rapmon something.

"Oh guys im sorry they said she already left because she have a schedule. Anyways let's continue the show and enjoy" Rapmon said and continue performing. After their performance they went backstage and rest

"Yah can you imagine and international model is watching the kcon. Unfortunately she didn't saw our performance" Jimin said

"What does she look like. Oh my gosh of course models are super sexy" V said and all of them laugh while jungkook is at the side looking at them.

Semi's POV

Ah! The group i was waiting for is done thanks to my mom i didn't saw it. I just go straight to the mall and do shopping. It's really hard since people wants to hold me to touch me to kiss me to take a picture with. They are pushing my bodyguards luckily i have 10 bodyguards with me plus my manager. I do understand them that they want to do that so desperately. I want to do it too but since im kinda busy it would be unfair if only some of them will have pictures with me right?
I bought a bag and some nice tops and left the mall.

"Having shopping with you isn't fun at all" Her manager said and she chuckle.

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