Vampire Jun Pt. 2

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Your fingertips scraped against the cotton fabric of the pillow you were holding tightly to your chest as a scary clip appeared on your television screen. At the same time your other hand was shoved into a bowl of popcorn grabbing a handful of the snack to shove in your mouth. It was a late Friday night with the gentle patter of rain bouncing against your apartment window which meant it was time for a horror movie marathon. Dressing in your comfiest sweatpants and hoodie you bundled yourself in a fluffy blanket and popped in a dvd.

Watching horror movies alone was an experience you wouldn't recommend, however you weren't particularly close enough with anyone to invite over. There was Joshua but he was more of a friend you partnered with at work other than someone you would spend your weekend with. So you settled for your pillow as a friend and cuddle buddy which you were currently squeezing the life out of. This week had been nothing but a spiral of unpleasant events with Alberts death and the bodies being snatched away from Churchill Cemetery.

But something that was taking over your mind more than anything was the young man you and Joshua encountered at the cemetery the day of Alberts death. Jun.

He seemed to have disappeared from sight just after sharing a short conversation with you, one that left an anxious feeling to bubble away in your stomach. You hadn't seen a trace of the mysterious boy since leaving you to wonder if meeting him even happened. Another thing was the police men sharing a hushed conversation over the bite marks on Alberts neck.

Was it really an animal or could it have been something else? The sudden thrill of the movies horror music snapped you out of your thoughts your eyes intently watching the television screen with fingers digging into your pillow. That is until the screen suddenly blinked off to a flat shade of black, the apartment lights flickering for a few seconds before staying lit. Now you were really quite scared as your eyes darted around the apartment space. Maybe the weather was just getting worse so the power was turning iffy.

Instead you decided to get ready for bed by giving a quick brush of your teeth and splashing some refreshing water over your face. You sat on the edge of the bed elbows resting on your knees while you took in the blinking lights of the city down below. Though the day was always glum and dull the night was always sparkling with bright city lights and the patter of cold raindrops to lull you to sleep. As you climbed under the covers and flicked off the light you felt a sharp tingle down the back of your neck making you tug the blankets up to your chin.

= = = = =

You rarely ever treated yourself seeing as most of your money went towards keeping your apartment and buying essentials to just get by. So when you were munching on a piece of slightly burnt toast this morning and your eyes wandered to the pile of cash from your boss sitting on the counter you couldn't resist.

Quickly chugging down your orange juice you tossed the plastic cup into the sink and swiped the money off the counter. Then you shuffled off to get properly dressed. Jumping up and down you shimmied into a pair of tight jeans and threw on your favourite top. Giving your hair a quick check in the hall mirror you grabbed a light jacket and made your way to the elevator.

As you shuffled inside you met with the cleaning lady who vacuumed the carpets every two weeks or so. She nodded her head in your direction as your fingers played with the cash shoved in your pocket. "Heading out?" She asked with a tiny smile while you bobbed your head in reply. "I earned some decent money so I've decided to spend it on myself today." Your eyes turned into two crescent moons as you returned her friendly smile.

"It's nice to see you treating yourself." She replied as the elevator came to a stop on the cleaning ladies floor. When she rolled the cart off the elevator is when you noticed a black jacket draped over her arm, one that looked very similar to something you'd seen before. Without thinking a question popped out of your mouth. "Where did you get that jacket?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" Your features scrunched up in surprise at her sudden change in tone. From something so sweet to something filled with mockery.

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