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Seungkwan scenario wear the members lock you in a room together because you don't get along and force you to talk to each other

"You told me that he wouldn't be here!" you whisper shouted to your best friend Seungcheol from in your kitchen. "You know that I can't stand him!"

You just happened to be talking about Seungkwan. The person that seemed to make your blood boil, with his every word, laugh, or joke.

"Well when you told me to invite the members over, that kind of includes him you know," you couldn't help but slightly elbow him in the side. Seungcheol gripped his side feigning hurt. "Come on (Y/N). He's really not as bad as you think. If you get to know him then you'll see that he's actually really nice and extremely funny," Seungcheol said trying to convince you from the other line.

You sighed becoming annoyed at the words that you have seemed to have heard a million times from all the members of seventeen. But you just couldn't see it.

You glared over at Seungkwan from the kitchen and took a deep breath, slowly closing your eyes then opening them to try and muster the best smile you could possibly put on your face.

"Fine, I'll try my best," you said as you walked into the living room you couldn't help but glare slightly in Seungkwan's direction. The member's knew about your feeling towards Seungkwan and could feel how icy cold your glare was.

You slowly sat on the couch across the room from Seungkwan.

"How about we play a game," Hoshi said trying to warm up the mood a little bit. "(Y/N), you need to go in that room and count to 30 and then we'll send someone up to tell you the rest of the instructions.

"Um, okay," you were reluctant but still willing to count.

That was until you saw a very unwilling Seungkwan getting pushed into a room. This room unfortunately happened to be the one that you were counting in. He was trying his best to open the door but to no prevail; he was stuck, in a room; with you.

"Just try to get along. Just 15 minutes and we'll let you out." you heard someone shout from the other side of the door.

"Hello there to you too," he said looking over him shoulder at you from his position at the door. Trying his best to be friendly.

You just scoffed rolling your eyes at him and sat by the bed in silence. A moment of silence passed and Seungkwan turned his body to face you. His arms now crossed.

"Are you seriously, not going to talk to me the whole time?"

"Yeah, pretty much," you replied not even trying to make eye contact.

You heard slow footsteps moving over to the bed and a shadow hung over you.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Seungkwan asked, trying to get you to talk to him.

"Because I just do, okay" You replied starting to get annoyed. You got up from your position on the bed to shuffling over to the door and trying your best to open it this time.

"You still have to 8 minutes left. Come on (Y/N), at least try talking to him.

You couldn't even last 3 minutes with guy. Let alone 15. And talk to him? You were thinking that you'd rather not.

"(Y/N), just give me one reason and I'll leave you alone. I promise!" Seungkwan negotiated bouncing from toe to toe.

You began to pace around the room as you spoke to him. "Fine. Well, first of all, you're always trying to talk to me when you know I don't like you. For example; now. Two, you're always smiling at me when I glare at you. Why, I don't know. And three, I don't know you're just..." you were at a loss for words. It was harder than you thought to come up with a valid reason for not liking Seungkwan.

He listened to you and didn't saying a word just look at you intently with a smile on his face.

"So you're not going to say anything?"

He shook his head.

"Well...tell me why you hate me then."

"I don't hate you," he said nonchalantly as if it was nothing. Your eyebrows creased and you looked at him confused.

"Then why are you always trying to smile at me while I'm glaring at you. Or joke around with me when I don't want to hear anything."

"Isn't it obvious," he said in a slightly nervous voice. You could see him take a gulp before he spoke. "It's because I like you."

Your eyes widened and it all dawned on you. It all made sense now.

"I do it because even though you say you hate me. I could see the blush on your cheeks when I smile at you. Or the hidden smile on your face when I'm making jokes. You may not admit it now but I know that you like me too."

" I don't," you tried to play it off but you couldn't help but stare at the ground at little bit flustered by his words.

"Times up!" you heard someone shout from the opposite side of the door. Perfect timing, you thought because you could feel the heat on your cheeks building up. You dashed from the door nearly tripping over a room rug in the meanwhile and struggling to open the door.

For someone that didn't like Seungkwan. Your heart seemed to be beating as quickly as someone who did.

Seventeen (Facts, Scenarios, Profile and etc.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin