Jealous Joshua

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It was a late rainy night and you were curled up comfortably next to your boyfriend, Joshua. Just outside the window were spitting raindrops splashing down from the dark sky. The sound of rain against the glass was quite relaxing but not enough for you to fall asleep. You were waiting for a phone call from work to call you in on a night shift. Recently you had gotten a job at the hospital and though it wasn't your dream it was alright for now. It was your first time doing a night shift but the only thing you would be doing was working at the entry desk. Shifting your cheek on Joshua's chest you groaned slightly, annoyed that you couldn't even catch a wink of sleep.

Then you heard the awful sound of the telephone ringing which snapped Joshua out of dream land. Leaning over you grabbed the phone off the night stand and replied with a sweet voice to hide the fact you were dead tired. After hanging up you felt his arm slink around your shoulders, his voice rough from just awakening. "Do you want me to make you a coffee to take to work?" He offered with his head resting on your shoulder. Shaking your head you pushed him back down onto the soft pillows. "I'll be fine, just get some sleep." But Joshua grabbed your wrist and gave you a glare. "You didn't get any sleep did you?" He questioned sitting up again and moving closer to your side. He already knew the answer as he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head while rubbing your thigh.

You would give anything to stay in bed with him but that wouldn't be happening. Joshua was quite exhausted himself with his new debut and you worried he worked himself too hard during practice. Often you would visit the Seventeen dorms after your hospital shift to see him as well as the boys working on choreography or vocals. Being with them took your mind off work and you weren't complaining.

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Sitting with your back to the mirrors you were watching a dance video Dino was showing you. His eyes sparkled at the dancers talented moves as you watched along side him. He was clearly excited. "I can't wait to try some of this choreography." He commented while skipping a bit through the window to show you different scenes. Wonwoo came down to sit beside you as he tied the laces on his sneaker. Curious, he peaked over at the laptop to see the video. "Watching those dance videos again?" Wonwoo laughed while you just rolled your eyes. "I'm sure you'll be able to execute them better than those dancers." You encouraged a still energetic Dino who replied with a nod of his head. "Maybe I can teach you some of them once I learn it."

Wonwoo began complaining that he couldn't see the screen as the youngest clicked on another video. Reaching his hand over to pull the screen closer a sudden Mingyu came flying out of nowhere and crashed into Wonwoo sending the boy falling onto your lap. At that moment Joshua came through the door with an eyebrow raised as Wonwoo quickly scrambled off of you. You waved at him cutely as Joshua set his bag down and came over to pull you to your feet. "You have another night shift. Make sure you go home early to catch some sleep." Joshua advised as he played with your fingers. Dino stood up and yanked at your sleeve with a pout.

"I want Y/N to stay, she always watches my dance videos." You just chuckled and patted Dino's arm as the younger rested his head playfully on your shoulder. Casting a glance at Joshua you saw his lips pull into a smile. "Maybe another time, let's get you home Y/N." It was rare you ever saw your boyfriend get jealous. He was open minded and didn't let little things like skin ship from other members affect him. Sometimes you were tempted to push the boundaries just to see what he defined as crossing the line but you knew it was wrong to do so. Joshua escorted you to your car and placed a peck sweetly on your lips. "You always tell me to rest but you need to rest too. Don't want you getting cranky right?" You teased him with a ruffle of his soft locks. He just opened your door and gestured for you to get inside. "Have fun at work baby."

Joshua hopped back inside of the practice room but hesitated as he heard your name in a members conversation. With the door cracked open slightly he paused to listen. "Mingyu, you dork why would you push me into Y/N?" Already identifying the voice as Wonwoo, Joshua just shook his head nonchalantly. "Just think of it as a favour, you can't deny the fact that she's insanely pretty." His body stiffened slightly and Joshua knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping. Besides, it was nothing to get jealous over, you were insanely pretty and everything Joshua wanted.

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