Spirit World Jeonghan

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There wasn't a day that passed where you didn't think about him. Where you didn't think about his lovely smile that showcased his perfect teeth or the way his eyes sparkled whenever he was happy. There wasn't a day that passed where you didn't miss his company and being tangled up with him on the couch watching movies or just sleeping away your problems. Your heart ached whenever you sat in class staring at that seat in the front row. Usually he would be there to turn around and check on you or throw something all you like a rolled up ball of paper. But now it was just empty and being in the class made everyone feel uneasy at the lack of his presence.

The teacher often stacked her huge ring binders or portfolios of work on top of his desk or used it as a place for students to put their homework when they came in the morning. Every time you passed his desk you could see where he carved his name into the wood with a pair of scissors. Sometimes you would walk in and totally forget about how he was no longer alive and you would look towards his work space with a large smile. But it would quickly vanish when you remembered he would never sit there again.

At lunch you were just able to stuff yourself in the space on the end of the bench. You had nothing but a juice box to sip on as you confronted your friends about your decision.

"I'm going to do it." Your eyes sparked at the thought of getting to see Jeonghan again.

"You can't Y/N, it's impossible if he's gone." Your best friend stuffed some salad into her mouth as she gave you the weekly lecture about how you need to move on and let him go.

"I'm going to use the spirit world to see him."

All the conversation between your friends at the table died down as they all switched their confused gazes in your direction. Tightly squeezing your juice box you explained further.

"I think I can do it. I've been practicing at gathering my self focus." You released tension on the box of juice with a confident flare in your eyes.

"Y/N, only Mages can enter the spirit world, and you're not one. They're the only ones granted with the connection to speak with the dead. Don't go screwing around with things you don't understand." Your friend then turned around and tossed her yogurt container into the trash can but not without getting the teacher to yell at her.

"But if you see a Mage won't they let you into the spirit world?" Alex asked.

"Regardless, it's a dangerous idea."

= = = = =

It was very late at night and you were stuck inside your room, the only source of light being a small lantern you had lit up for effects. The window was cranked open slightly, letting in a soft breeze that swayed your curtains. Sitting cross legged on the floor with your hands in your lap you began to focus your energy. Little by little you could feel something building within you like a strange sort of power. You had no idea how long you were sitting on the floor but you started to lose feeling to your legs. Eventually you just gave up and decided sleep was the better option.

If you really wanted to see Jeonghan you would need to visit a Mage.The whole night was spent tossing in turning out of excitement at the possibility of seeing him again.

The next day, you couldn't get out of school fast enough. Slipping through the busy hallways like a snake you sneaked through the front doors and outside into the sunlight. Grabbing your bicycle you hopped onto the stiff seat and pushed off down the sidewalk. You needed to head into town to visit the sanctuary, a quiet place where the Mages worked their magic. You had always been fascinated by their powers and the way they could manipulate their magic into wonderful things. Finally you skidded the bike to a halt outside a large stone building at the end of the road. Setting it against a tree you walked up to the door and knocked a few times.

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