Camp Hoshi

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Hot and sticky. That was the only suitable way to describe the summer weather as you dragged your suitcase through the bright green grass. Just up ahead you caught sight of the old wooden cabin that was your new residence for the week causing you to suppress a sigh. Going to camp for 7 days was hardly your idea. You just brought up the topic one night at dinner about how you'd never been to camp and your parents seemed to share the same evil grin. The next day Hoshi greeted you at school with an apparent frown as he tightly gripped your arm and pulled you aside. "Thanks for getting me sent off to camp this summer." And that's when you knew you were in the same boat he was.

The camp rules strongly enforced that no one was to bring any technology for it would be confiscated if a counsellor caught sight of it. They advised you to bring normal things like an extra bathing suit and towel, sunscreen, shampoo and all the essentials to survive at camp. With a sleeping bag tucked away under your arm you enter the cabin and immediately call dibs for the top bunk. Only two other girls were in the room, one who was applying mascara and another lying down and fiddling with a large Rubik's Cube. Wondering why any girl would bother bringing make up to camp you rolled out your sleeping bag and set your suitcase underneath.

In about the next 10 minutes the cabin was filled with the rest of the girls and the awkward silence of nobody trying to make conversation. "So does anyone know what happens now?" You asked but most of them just gave a shoulder shrug proving they were just as clueless as you. Suddenly a face popped in the doorway, a boy with sparkly eyes and dark brown hair. He clapped his hands a few times to get everyone's attention as he stepped into the center of the room. Raising a brown you swung your legs over the edge of your bunk and listened as he introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Joshua and as you can tell by my official whistle I have here that I'm one of the counselors. Now that everyone's in their cabins a bell will ring a few minutes and we'll all go up on the hill to discuss a few things. Any questions for right now?" The mascara girl raised her hand as she blew a bubble with her gum.

"So like the activities are mixed but not the cabins? No offense but all my friends are guys." She questioned, flicking out a hand to emphasize her confusion.

"Well you can hang out with whoever you like during the day and you can invite people to your cabin during the free period but not at night. You're all in your own cabin by night." The loud clanging of a bell signaled that everyone should head to the hill so quickly you zipped out of the cabin and kept a look out for Hoshi. The bright flame in the sky was already making you heat up as you wished for a bottle of cold water to quench your thirst. Suddenly, you felt a weight on your shoulder as a familiar face whipped you around. Already cracking a wide smile you would your arms around his neck and gave him a slight squeeze.

You heard him chuckle as his hands lightly grabbed your sides to pull you away. "Sorry for dragging you here, I think you'd much rather be at home dancing around or something." But he didn't except your apology as he intertwined your fingers with his and dragged you up the hill, not caring that you'd lost your footing. "I don't care, we'll survive together." He smiled back at you and you had to restrain yourself from pulling at his bubbly cheeks. If you got to spend the week with Hoshi maybe everything would be alright.

Hoshi collapsed onto the grass and tugged you down beside him. In front of everyone was the counselors each who had a bright green whistle attached to a necklace. You quickly scoped out Joshua who was scanning the crowd like some sort of hawk picking out its prey. The chatter immediately ceased as the piercing screech of a whistle rippled through the air causing everyone's attention to divert to the counselors. A young man stepped forwards and started to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Seungcheol and this is my lovely assistant Jeong-" He beckoned next to him but the spot was empty. Quickly whipping his head around he glared at a handsome boy with long silky hair tied back to a ponytail. He was talking with Joshua which for some reason made you giggle lightly. "Hey, yoohoo, let's go Jeonghan. No one cares about your prayer reading Joshua okay, save that for Sunday." Exchanging disgruntled looks Jeonghan took his place beside Seungcheol and that's how you knew it would probably be a long yet amusing week.

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