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When you were with Chan you had so much fun. You were always laughing, making jokes, and playing pranks on the other members.

Whenever you were around everything in the dorm was fun. But unfortunately for Chan, he wasn't the only one who thought that you were fun to have around. All the other members of Seventeen loved having you around as well. They thought that you were funny, cute and fun to have around. But, Chan felt as though some of them were a bit to close to you.

When Chan had got the chance to spend some long awaited quality time with you, he was ecstatic.

When you called him and said that you were on your way, he even contemplated whether he should tell the members or not. He thought against it until he heard the doorbell ring.

He quickly rose from the couch where he was set on beforehand and sprinted towards the door. Only, he was just a little too late.

Seungcheol had reached the door before him. He watched as Seungcheol opened the door and his face immediately lit up.

"(Y/N)! I didn't know that you were coming," he said pulling you into a quick hug.

That's when Chan heard it. The footsteps coming from every corner. Before he knew it all the boys of Seventeen had crowded around you and were pulling you into hugs. They immediately tried to get you to do things with the each of them.

At this point there was no way that Chan would be able to spend time with you nor, even see you.

Chan was left on the outside of the circle desperately trying to pry his way to you. But, everyone else was way to strong and persistent.

You felt slightly overwhelmed but,had gotten used to having all the boys of Seventeen around you. So, you gladly smiled and excepted their embraces and excitement.

"I'm actually here to see Chan," you said while turning your head left and right trying to find him. "Do any of you know where he is?,"you asked.

You heard a few murmurs indicating that they didn't know. That's when you saw Chan slowly, but surely emerge to the front of the crowd.

You face lit up immediately. After not seeing him for a while it was really nice to be face to face with him again.

He quickly engulfed you in a warm hug, squeezing ever so tightly. His warm arms wrapped around your waist and held you close. You returned his embrace, placing your arms around his neck and giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"I've missed you," he said while giving you a longing gaze.

"I missed you too," you replied.

This moment was quickly cut short by the members making noises, indicating that you were being a little to sappy for their liking. You slowly pulled away from him, laughing slightly.

"We were actually planning to spend the day together," Chan stated while reaching to grasp your hand.

There were a chorus of disappointed murmurs, which irrupted between the boys. Followed by a few sad faces.

"But, we all haven't seen (Y/N) in a while and we all want to spend time with her," Mingyu whined.

You knew you'd feel bad later but you didn't want to disappoint all the boys. So you ended up inviting them to spend at least some of the day with Chan and yourself.

You left the house and headed for the park where you spent most of your time with the boys. You were so wrapped up in all the things the boys wanted to do that you didn't even realize when Chan began to get jealous.

Mingyu and Wonwoo wanted to play sports with you. Hoshi and Seokmin wanted to tell you jokes and Woozi wanted your opinion on the song that he was working on. It was a never ending list of things to do with the boys and Chan was slowly beginning to feel neglected.

He wanted your attention and every time you spent time with another one of the boys, the jealousy built up inside him.

You were especially spending a lot of time with a certain member of Seventeen. You were having so much that you were oblivious to the small touches he gave to your arm, or the way his hand lingered over yours just a little bit too long.

This only made Chan more jealous. When Chan gets jealous, he also becomes a lot more clingy and needy. So before you knew it he was glued to you.

You were still talking when you felt two gentle arms sling themselves around your waist from behind. You knew who he it was immediately. Chan placed his chin on your shoulder and stared the other member down until he left.

You quickly spun around, removing Chan's arms from around you in the process.

"What was that all about?" You asked slightly irritated.

"It's just the other members are spending so much time with you, and this is supposed to be my time alone with you. I know the other members love having you around. But, I do too. Plus, you are my girlfriend after all." Chan let out a large sigh while keeping his head tilted downwards as his cheeks began to heat up.

You took a step closer to Chan and pulled his into a hug. He was taken aback at first, surprised by your actions but immediately wrapped his arms around you gently.

You pulled away slightly but stayed in his embrace.

"Chan, I know the members enjoy spending time with me and, I know that you're jealous." you watched a his cheeks began to heat up even more. He's so cute, you thought to yourself. You couldn't hide the smile that was spreading across your face. "But, at the end of the day I'm still your girlfriend and I wouldn't even think of replacing you for all of the boys."

This made Chan give you a huge smile. "I just want you to spend time with me and only me," he said.

"We'll get time to spend together. Because at the end if the day you'll have me and only me."

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