Protective Vernon

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"Stop rolling so fast."

"You need to walk faster then."

"You're going to hurt yourself."

"I have nothing to lose." You were in the midst of arguing with your best friend, Vernon, as you rolled down the school hallways in your wheelchair. He was only a few steps behind you, his heavy footsteps echoing off the walls as he tried to catch up. However, you only turned the wheels on your chair faster as a smirk crossed your lips. Just as you were about to turn the corner, Vernon lunged forwards and grabbed the chairs handles causing you to jerk to a stop. He flicked the top of your head as you pouted.

"You have everything to live for, Y/N. Now stop rolling around so damn fast and giving me a heart attack." His voice was stern as he rolled you to class and stopped in front of the door. Resting his hands on your shoulders he bent down to place his chin on top of your head.

"I'll see you at lunch." He murmured before walking off to his class.

You released a sigh of frustration as you rolled into class and settled down at your desk. Clenching your fists you stared at the white board while letting your mind wander. If it wasn't for that stupid accident you wouldn't be moving schools at the end of the month. You wouldn't have to lose the company of Vernon. You hated having a wheelchair because it made people treat you differently.

And not the kind where people start feeling sympathy for everything you do, the kind where people make fun of you. It was completely your fault too. The most popular girl in school had everyone attached to leashes, including you at the time. When she offered you an invite to her party, even though you aren't the party type you didn't want to reject her. So with a fake smile plastered across your face you accepted her invite and on that Friday night you came to her house.

She invited you to play all sorts of drinking games with her and by the nights end you were an utter mess. Wobbling around in a high pair of heels and a short black dress you collapsed into your car. A pounding head ache drilled into the side of your skull along with a mixture of blurry vision, blending together all the nights colours. It was then when you lost feeling to your legs and ended up in a terrible car accident.

Since that day people never stopped judging your actions. You were called irresponsible, selfish, stupid and much worse. People you thought would be your friends forever left your side like a snap of the fingers, except for Vernon. He was the only one who tried to protect you and comfort you. So many nights were spent crying tears onto his shoulder as he held you close trying to sooth your hiccuping sobs and shaking limbs.

Sometimes he let his over protectiveness get the better of him which led him to treating you like a child. He knew you hated that so he tried to loosen up at bit and was still working on it. Your current school wasn't meant for taking care of someone who was handicapped so they suggested a school for the disabled to your parents. After them looking deeply into the decision they decided it was time to make the change.

Part of you was relieved you could finally escape all the harsh words and stares but another part of you was angry and frustrated. You kept telling yourself that nothing was wrong with you, that you didn't deserve to be placed with all those disabled teenagers. You were the most afraid of losing Vernon because you loved him so much. Even if he only looked at you like a little sister it wouldn't stop your immense feelings for him.

Not only that but did you have that nagging voice in your head telling you to tell Vernon about your parents decision. Suddenly the loud noise of a bell rang through your ears causing you to lose thought of what was swimming around in your brain. Taking a deep breath you pulled out your notebook and got ready to begin class.

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