Halloween Mingyu

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"I know you're just scared, Y/N, it's okay"

"I'm not scared I just don't feel like going."

You pulled the soft cotton blanket up to your chin as you shot your boyfriend daggers from across the room. His tall form leaned against the doorframe with a devilish smirk plastered across his lips as he watched you stuffing your face with shovelfuls of popcorn.

The whole week the popular Halloween Festival had been advertised across newspapers and radio stations leaving the attraction rounding in many people looking for some fun a few nights before Halloween. Mingyu had been one of those people who just could not resist wanting to go.

He had been eyeing the festival all week and it especially became an attraction when his members decided they were going. Of course the little puppy came searching for you almost begging you to go after declining him many times. Shoving another handful of popcorn into your mouth you reached for the remote to turn up the volume.

"I have all I need right here. Popcorn, the TV starring my favourite drama and of course this nice blanket. You can go with your members." The smirk disappeared from Mingyu's face as he squinted his eyes upon your form. Your boyfriend made his way in your direction and weaseled the remote out of your grasp before shutting off your drama.

Then, tossing it somewhere aimlessly in the room his fingers moved to grip your chin. "Hey you fuck, I was watching that." His sparkling eyes bored into your own for a few seconds before his soft lips crashed into yours as his hand lightly gripped the back of your neck.Pushing you into the kiss his hands ripped the blanket away from your body causing you to gasp.

Biting gently on your lower lip his sneaky fingers played with the hem of your shirt. Did he really think he could get his way by making out with you? Sadly, it just might work. Grabbing a hold of his silky locks you finished the kiss and shoved him away. "Fine I'll come but I'm not doing anything."

"Then you better be ready in one hour babygirl.

" * * * * *

With a jacket secured around you tightly you made sure not to leave the house without a disgruntled look on your face. The sky had darkened from pinks purples and oranges to complete blackness and twinkling stars. Of course the festival was lit up with all sorts of flashy bright lights and a snack booth was placed at pretty much every turn.

Quickly the members began scattering away to try each of the events only leaving you and Mingyu. Your boyfriend laced his fingers with yours and began pulling you away through the crowd, twisting and turning through the waves of bodies. Eventually you came to the place Mingyu wanted to visit most, the haunted house.

A certain feeling began pooling into your stomach as you swallowed thickly. The line was quite long and judging by the high pitched screams emanating from the area you were starting to feel anxious. "I knew you were scared." His remark was quickly followed by a slap across the arm leaving the boy with a pout.

"The lines kinda long, let's get some food and come back later." But after all that popcorn you were hardly feeling the least bit able to eat anything. Of course you were stalling since you hated haunted houses. The pitch blackness and ominous creepy music made you want to curl into a ball but what you hated most was the jump scares.

People dressed in tacky costumes pressing to the shadows and scaring the soul out of you when you finally let your guard down. After grabbing a bag of cotton candy you focused on chomping it down while Mingyu was chattering away with Chan and Soonyoung about the haunted house. "And then this random guy grabbed at my ankle. I think I broke one of his fingers from stomping on his hand too hard."

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