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Hey guys so yeah I'm sorry I've been such a flake on getting this done on time, but I put my kpop playlist on, powered on through and it's done now so I hope you enjoy (and I'm v sorry if I've rambled woops, I tend to do that) ~


Todd-Ingram3: What about Brendon originally appealed to you?

Hm. If you mean attraction wise, from the moment we met it was how good his ass looked in those fitted suit trousers. I joke! It was the way he just so easily started talking to me, the sparkle in his eyes. The way he just got into my system and I wanted more. He's kind of addictive.

raphaelcupcake: If you could go back and tell Dallon about Brendon right away, would you?

Oh... I don't know. Because I don't want a do-over, really. I mean, it wasn't a walk in the park, but... no. No, I wouldn't have. Because we weren't ready to tell him, I wasn't even ready to admit how I felt til later. Yeah, the whole finding out thing could've been handled better, but... no, it needed the time.

dunforhands: Can I call you Florrie?

Sure. I used to not like it, but it's all Brendon calls me, so... it's grown on me. So go ahead, yeah! :)

ARiotofRoses: Since you like doing Merch, do you think you would ever want to work Merch on tour with Panic! At the Disco? And, you know, possibly sharing a bunk on the tour bus with Brendon while you're at it?

Of course! If they'll have me, obviously haha. I love doing merch, so it'd be fitting for sure! Though... Dallon may have something to say about the bunk sharing :')

CarlottaSalvatori: Florence, such a great personality, so much talent, what do you usually draw? Do you sometimes go outside and hang out somewhere to sketch some stuff? How do you get inspired? Just wanted to know some art stuff, feel free to say whatever you want to about it c:

Aw thank you! You're so sweet! Hm, I usually just draw whatever I'm really into then/feeling. Like when I was obsessed with mermaids, all I drew was mermaids. But yeah, sometimes, I like to go outside and try to sketch everyday stuff, or beautiful things outside like flowers, people going by, whatever. Inspiration can be everywhere! My one tip is just don't force yourself, because in my opinion, art is an expression, and expressions can't be pushed or forced, you need to love what you're doing. If you don't, give yourself time, or maybe ask yourself if you should finish it, or move on!


kelsey_roxs_28: Was it fun falling in love...?

Oh my god yes. I'm in love with falling in love! And the fact I fell for such a wonderful human being... yeah it was fun. It's a wild ride, one I'm still on, and hope to never got off from. I mean, cos I'd still say I'm falling, y'know? Hopefully I won't ever reach the bottom, because falling really is so much fun.

reinventlxve: Brendon how would you feel if Sarah and Florrie became bffs?

Oh boy. I don't know? I guess it'd be weird as fuck, but all I can do is say 'I think this isn't the best idea', I can't stop it from happening. Guess I'd just do my best to stay out of it, and let them do them, as long as it doesn't affect Florrie and I.

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