Chapter Forty-Eight

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"You son of a bitch!" I snarled, throwing the door open so hard it collided with the wall, shattering plaster and creating a web of cracks across the glass.

I could see him, just sitting there, on the futon, pulling his guitar strap from around his neck, sliding it away, face as shocked as Ian, who had been talking to him, sitting opposite, and Zack, who was leaning against the keyboard. He, of course, acted first, over to me, a mixture of worry on his face as he blocked them - him - from my view.

"Dallon, bro, what's going on-"

"Move." My voice was low, threatening, all sharp edges and thunderous. I took a step forward, and, of course, Zack mirrored me, keeping me from what he'd figured was my obvious goal. Oh god, did even he know? I bet he did. I bet every goddamned motherfucker here did, but me. I took a step forward again, and Zack put his hand quickly to my shoulder. "Dallon, look, you don't wanna do this-"

"Goddamn you, Zack, I said move." I growled, stepping around him, to see Brendon beginning to stand, eyes wide, but Zack blocked me again, and this time, the force of my stride made our shoulders collide, knocking painfully against one another. That was when I shoved him, hard, startling him, but effectively getting him out my way.

I managed to dodge as he lunged to grasp my arm, hold me back, and then I was over to Brendon, fingers curling, digging into my palm.

"Dallon, dude-" Brendon still looked somewhat confused, eyebrows arched and drawn in puzzlement, and his tone then gave nothing away. But his eyes, the guilty look in his eyes ... Guilty as hell and sin itself.

I managed to catch him square in the jaw, and my knuckles screamed in protest. But it was satisfying.

Pain bloomed across my hand, as I reached up to strike another blow, bring it down, this time harder on Brendon's face -

Zack grabbed my arm, successfully this time, and pinned both of them back with his, drawing me into him so it was futile to struggle. He was saying something to me, something I wasn't listening to, or comprehending, because I watched Ian go over to that lying, traitorous bastard, and I watched Brendon push himself up off the ground, blinking and clutching his jaw with a groan. He pushed Ian's helping hand away, refusing to take it pull him up, instead, holding his palms out toward me, eyes eerily level and pleading. "Bro-"

"Don't you bro me, you motherfucker. How dare you!" I struggled against Zack's hold on me, growling and spitting like a wild animal, one thought constant in my rage addled mind - show that punk what for. "How dare you lay a hand on her!"

"Dallon, please. Just take a deep breath. We need to talk-"

"I think it went a little beyond talking when you fucking slept with my baby sister, don't you think?"


"And not just once. Right? You've been charming your way into her bedroom for months, you bastard."


He didn't get to finish, because there it was.


My little sister's voice. Harsh, and shocked, coming from the doorway.

Everyone - and I mean everyone, me, Zack, Ian and Brendon - all looked suddenly, all at her.

Her cheeks were a ruddy, flushed pink, eyes wide, mouth hanging open in disbelief. Her whole posture was defensive, arms locked tightly at her sides as if she were having to force them to stay there, hands in little fists. Hands that had ... Oh, god, I didn't even want to think about them being anywhere on that fucker on the floor at my feet.

And she was still my little sister, then, so young, so small, someone who needed protection ... No. No, she didn't. Because then, everything about her - stance, expression, emotions - she was ... Fierce. Hadn't I always tried to protect her, from when she was that thing in the crib, dressed in a pink romper suit and mewling up at me as I looked in on her, right up until now?

"What the fuck..." her bottom lip trembled. "What did you do?"

My brain struggled to find the words, and my mouth to process them, but eventually, they did. "It's not what I did, Flo, it's what that ... that dick right there did to you!" I spat when I turned to look at Brendon.

He said nothing, simply keeping one hand on his jaw, jerking back a little as if I'd punched him again, or he'd received a shock, and sitting up a little more.

Florence's jaw worked, her mouth moving as her anger stole everything from her, just as it had to me. "Oh ... Oh my god, Dallon, I ..." She raised her hands to her head, frustration now joining the party. "I am not a fucking child. You ... You really don't get that I'm an adult, do you? That he's an adult, too, and I made the decision to do whatever the fuck I wanted, and if I hadn't wanted to do anything, I wouldn't have."

"He shouldn't have touched you, let alone-"

"Dallon! He did not force me into anything! He did not coerce me into this! I wanted to do this." impending tears made her throat thick and heavy, and her defiance cracked a little. "I wanted this, and I got it, and you have no right." She swallowed, and shook her head. "No right, whatsoever." She tore her eyes away from me for a moment to look at Brendon.

And then she was ... Gone. She turned around, hand swiftly clutching the doorframe as if she was afraid she might fall, and then ... She just took off.

"Fuck." Brendon's voice was thick, too, but his was from the pain, and ... He stood, clapping Zack on the shoulder. "Let him go." He said.

Zack's grip on me didn't waver. "Brendon, I really don't think that-"

"Just ..." Brendon let go of his jaw, wincing, and rubbed his temple. "Let go of him, ok?"

And after a moment's hesitation, he complied. Ian, who'd been silent the entire time, was at the door, clutching his guitar, eyes still wide as he stuttered out "I'm just gonna ..." he waved his hand at the door.

"Please." Brendon nodded, and Ian nodded back, muttering a bye, looking at Brendon, Zack, but unable to look at me. And he was gone, too.

Zack looked between us, concern heavy in his body language, his expression - wary when it landed on me, worried when it fell on Brendon. And without another word, and probably against his best instincts, he walked out, too.

After a moment, Brendon lowered his hand from his jaw and said in the calmest possible voice. "I guess you and I have some talking to do."

yo hey guys please comment/vote if you liked, you rad bunch of human beings, you (well, I'm assuming you're all humans... like, do we have any robots/aliens/super-intelligent-cats-who-have-evolved-opposable-thumbs-and-plan-to-take-over-the-world-via-the-internet-and-more-specifically-wattpad?)


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