Chapter Thirty

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"Hair up or down?"


"Straight or wavy?"



"Um ..." Breezy leant away from the mirror, smacking her own freshly painted dark red lips together. She inspected the tube, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into her. She held the lipstick against one of the red roses on my dress, looked between the two, pursed her lips, before nodding, smiling and holding the tube out to me. "Siren Red."

I leant over the close to the mirror myself now, applying the red to first my top lip, then my bottom, during which time Breezy stood beside me, pushed her fingers through my already wavy hair and tousled it a little more. It was much like I'd had it for the party in January, only more mussed up. As was my make-up. Dark eyes, red lips. However, this time I'd teemed it with a black dress - patterned all over with red roses and green leaves - that stopped wickedly high up on my thighs, just falling short of showing any actual butt. It had thick straps and a round neckline that didn't swoop low enough to show cleavage. It was tight and fitted to just above my hips, and the rest was loose and just a little bit swishy.

I'd bought it a day ago, with Breezy who'd called me all in panic about her own outfit for the party. I wasn't actually gonna buy it, and it had in fact been Breezy's first choice, but after trying it on, and wrinkling her nose (and complaining that her mommy tummy and big boobs ruined it, even after I told her to shush, she looked great) she looked at it then me, then threw it at me.

She'd clapped her hands after I stepped out the changing room. "You look good enough to eat, Flo!" she cried, demanding I give her a twirl. "You have to get it." I'd shook my head, saying I was fine, and she rolled her eyes declaring "Fine, I'll get it for you. Think of it as an early birthday present."

"Um, way early." I said, raising an eyebrow. "My birthday's the end of October.

"Shut up, I'm totally buying you it. No arguments."

And I didn't argue, because ... well, I did like it. A lot. And selfishly, I hoped Brendon would think so, too. Then, as I'd ran my hands down the skirt, I thought yeah, but you'd much rather he liked it on his bedroom floor.

Breezy had eventually settled on a canary yellow affair that also pushed the boundaries on almost showing panties, and she was wearing it now with black sheer tights black peep toe suede heels, her hair in a broken messy updo. (My own shoes were bright red suede wedge lace-up heels, the heel part covered in little spikes). She did have dark eye make-up and red lips, but she was now furiously scrubbing it off, muttering that it was too harsh and she needed to go softer.

"How'd you like your nails?" I asked her as she applied a softer, paler shade of red to her lips, patting the case with all my nail art things inside that I'd brought over with me. I'd done my own in a shiny bright red, apart from the pointer fingers, which I'd done black with red roses and silver swirls.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, sweetie." Breezy said, brushing a pale glitter over her eyelids, smiling at me from the mirror.

"Uh, I do." I laughed. "Kind of my area."

Breezy chuckled, finally finishing her new eye make-up, and she turned to me, grinning her mega-watt Breezy grin. Taking a deep breath, she clapped her hands on my shoulders, and nodded gravely. "Ok." And she held her hands out. "Go nuts."

Twenty minutes later, every nail was painted a canary yellow to match her dress, apart from the ones next to her little finger, which I'd done white, and painstakingly, gave her a little Beatles Yellow Submarine. She squealed when she saw them, fanning them (even though they were now dry) and jumping up to crush me into a tight hug. "They're amazing, Flo." She gave me one last squeeze, before releasing me.

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