Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Why do you look so pleased with yourself?" Jessa's hands clamped down on my shoulders, and she used her grip to jump and twist around to make herself face me. She grinned, and pulled me in close to her, so close that her nose bumped against mine. "Go on, tell me."

I placed my hands either side her face "How about not?"

Jessa pouted out her lower lip petulantly, making her eyes go all big, which she must have thought made her endearing like the cat from Shrek, but really only made her look high. "Please, tell me, Babydoll."

"It's really hard to tell you when there's nothing to tell." I removed one of my hands, and smooshed the other over her face, pushing it away.

Jessa made a whiny noise that I'm sure only high pitched grizzly bears could understand, before burying her head in her hands. "You're hopeless."

Here it comes...

"Know why you're hopeless?" Jessa said, right on cue.

"Please, do elaborate." I said drolly, turning away from her to scan the queue of people in front of us. A girl with blue hair, too many facial piercings to count, a beanie hat, big retro headphones over her ears and smacking gum loudly. A little blonde haired girl holding onto her almost identical looking mothers hand. Two Latino Paris Hilton's, talking a mile a minute, whilst their Latino boyfriend looked uncomfortable.

Jessa's voice commanded attention. "Because you and happiness are cruel little bitches to one another." she smacked her hand down onto my shoulder. It wasn't painful, but I sure felt it. "It's like a bullet in your back."

As much as Jessa's logic bothered me, and however flawed it got coming from her brain to her mouth, I kinda liked that analogy. And I couldn't argue with it, not really.

Latino brat pack were done swiping their shiny little credit cards, leaving the boy to struggle with the tray of their drinks and paper baggy of food, and we were one step closer. "Ok. Yeah. Maybe you're right." I said, shrugging.

"Maybe?" Jessa's voice was smug. "Oh, you know I am."

"Nobody likes a bragger." I tried not to smile, so help me.

Jessa growled through her teeth, and did her best to look menacing. "So, I've got news."

The woman at the counter was just handing the mom and daughter their drinks and muffins. "Oh, yeah?"

"Jack called me." she sounded ... Impassive. Which was odd, for her. "Asked if we could meet up."

"And did you?"

Jessa shook her head, looking down at her feet as she scuffed the ground. "I said I had stuff to do."

"I can sense a big old but coming here."

"Victoria sent me a message, too."

I raised an eyebrow. "Victoria? As in his sister?"

Jessa rolled her eyes, and snapped sarcastically. "No, as in Queen Victoria. Yes, dumbass! Victoria as in his sister."

Blondie and her mommy were next. I noticed that she asked for a donut, the one with all the multi-colored sprinkles, and the mother said no, and the girl pouted her lip out in a way I knew well enough from Amelie to know it meant tantrum commencing. "What did she say?"

"What do you think she said?" Jessa kicked the toe of her shoe against the floor. Then again, more violently. Then as she raised it again, I smacked her thigh to stop her. She'd only hurt herself, and then we'd all be miserable. "He's ... seeing someone. Not seriously, but enough that..."

CASUAL AFFAIR; brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now