Chapter Seven

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His lips went to my ear, still hot from the pressure of mine. "What's in the boathouse?"

I frowned at the question - hadn't he just asked me that? - Then I got it. Oh, oh, oh! "Mostly boats. Maybe a canoe, or a kayak. Whatever the difference is." There is was. There he was. Providing the fire for the gunpowder trail that led to the fireworks.

"Well, I wouldn't want to miss out on that." Brendon grinned, showing those teeth - his two front ones were slightly longer than the others, but not so much so that they were buck - lips turned up with one angle slightly more raised, giving it that sort of cute crooked quality.

"Of course you wouldn't!" and took one of my hands in his, so much bigger than mine. Though that wasn't hard. I had tiny little doll hands, a fact that everyone liked to point out, whilst cooing. Yes, cooing. Shaking away that bizarre little trail my thoughts had skipped down, I looked away from our joined hands and back at him. "So, how about I show you?"

"I would love that."

I tried not to laugh when Brendon tried the doors to the boathouse and unffed! When they didn't budge. I couldn't keep it in, however, when he turned to me, looking confused, and saying 'It's locked.'

"I know that. If you'd given me a second, I would have gotten the key, and you wouldn't have had the embarrassment." I chided, bending over - all too aware of Brendon's eyes - to push up the big stone, reach underneath, and pull the iron key hidden out. "If the big padlock on the front of the door didn't already give it away."

Brendon's eyes went to the padlock, and, I swear, he blushed. God, it was so cute. "Right. I knew that." He pursed his lips, before looking back at me, one eyebrow raised slightly. "Why's it locked anyway? Who would steal a boat?"

"You sir, have clearly never met the neighbours." I held a finger out to him, giggling, before sticking the key into the lock. And that was not a euphemism.

"God, you're telling me this now, as we both go into a dark boathouse on the edge of a lake, where all is quiet, outside a raging party. Have you not seen any slasher films?"

I rolled my eyes, and turned back to him, putting my hands on my hips. "Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention that there's a masked killer on the loose, who we thought we ran over last summer, worked at a summer camp two miles out and got exploded in a mine, after my mom slept with his dad?" I raised an eyebrow. "Dude, the neighbours are opportunists, not The Hills Have Eyes California-style."

Brendon chuckled and leant over, turning the key with a click that did sound like something that wouldn't be out of place in a bad horror movie. "That's how they all start out. Slightly kooky, weird, then bam! They Last House On The Left you!"

"Ok then." I went over to him, put my hands either side his face, cradling his jaw, and brought him down to kiss me fiercely. "We'll just not go into the boathouse. We'll skip the chance of glorious lovemaking, and go back to the party that neither of us wants to be at, just to be safe."

I've never seen someone's hand flash up so quickly than when Brendon's did at that moment to clasp my wrist, as if to hold me in place, and to keep me from darting away from him. "Oh, no, no, no. Did I say we were gonna get butchered horribly? I mean, if we are, I suppose having sex is a pretty good way to go ..."

"Oh, romantic." I drawled, rolling my eyes again, and pressing my lips to his hard enough that I'd give myself the Angelina Jolie pout without the surgery.

"A party neither of us wants to be at?" Brendon's voice echoed around the darkened room, and I looked back at him to see him standing, hands in pockets, looking around. He looked back at me, catching my eyes, and grinning. "Isn't that a bit presumptuous? Especially considering it's your brother's."

"Nope." I pushed the door shut, the wood of the bottom of the door groaning in protest as it struggled against the slightly swollen wood of the floor. I didn't look at him, when I was done, instead walking across the room, my heels tapping against the floor as I went over to the skeleton of my grandpa's last unfinished endeavour. I ran my hand over the smooth, varnished curve, covered in a layer of dust, which I looked at, before dusting my hands together. "That's exactly why I said it." I chuckled to myself.

"Well, I have a confession." Brendon's voice was suddenly at my shoulder, and the tips of his fingers danced across the skin there. "You were right. I don't want to be there, not really."

"Why ever would that be?" I looked over my shoulder at him again. "You're the lead singer. You're the one with the status. You should be the toast of the party."

"That's just it." Brendon said, and his tone seemed oddly impassive. But he said nothing else, so I didn't press it. I'd learned a long time ago that although some people had loose stitches, they didn't want anyone picking them. Hell, I had enough of my own to deal with, my raggedy doll body.

I turned to face him, and keeping my eyes on his the whole while- I noticed he had a small freckle just above the downward curve of his left eyebrow, and one on his throat, to the right side, just below the jawline, and I wanted to trace every single one, connecting them, making them into a star map - I put my thumb and forefingers on each end of his bow tie, and to my considerable luck, it pulled apart easily when I tugged it.

So, um, hey! Beth here. Oh looky, here I am, writing you a note (I promise I won't go overboard with these though they might become a regular thing... I'll try and control them um)


anyway. I just wanna thank everyone commenting, voting and even just reading this - I am so nervous about posting it and thinking it was terrible and nearly panic deleted it, and stuff. But, hey, I didn't!

This bit of the story (party etc.) goes on for a lil while (just an fyi for those not comfortable with smut - there is a sex scene in the next chapter, though I've tried to be tasteful and stuff but also kinda hot I don't know man)

So anyway, enough rambling from me.


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