Just Beth sayin' a little somethin' somethin'

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So yeah. This isn't an update. I'm sorry to disappoint to anyone who got their hopes up (eep, pls forgive me) but basically, the point of this is to say all the things I want to say to you guys regarding this story, the journey of the characters in it, and mine, and you, as the readers, too, because I don't want to bog the final chapter down with all this. I'd rather leave it for just the last chapter, without me going on as I usually do :')

Wow. Where to start? There's so much I want to say, but I don't want to waffle on (which I do tend to do). Ok. So. Thank you. All of you - all your voters, commenters, readers. All your comments literally make me smile so hard, and feel so proud of what I've written, despite any anxieties I've had about it all. Those kind words mean so much, that I literally don't have the ability to put my thoughts into words myself! They make my heart sing, and my face smile. Yeah, I'll stop being weird now. Anyhoo - all those comments, all the votes. Wow, thank you so much! And the reads! I never ever expected this to get even half of what it is, to be honest! But it has, and I'm so grateful. Truly.

Some of you have been around from the start, and some of you joined the party later on, but no matter when, you all mean so much to me, and you're all super duper pooper rad.

And wow, what a journey Flo's been on. Poor, lucky girl! And all the other characters that are mine - Jessa and Tommy, oh what a pair. I adore their bickering and underlying sexual tension. And the ones that exist in the real world, too, the versions of them that have become mine. It's all so ... gah. Wonderful.

I'm sad that it's gonna be over. I'm a little scared, too. But I'm so deliriously happy about it. Because it's coming to a natural, right ending, the chapter I got myself stressed over the most - because it had to be perfect. For the characters and the story arc. For you guys. For me. And I believe that whilst it's not perfect (what is? I mean, apart from Brendon), it's pretty damn close enough.

And a little bit about me - life is getting pretty intense. I'm growing up. This year more than I've ever had to before, because this is my final year of school, my final year of being a kid and living with my mum, because when I've finished (all going to plan) I'm away to university. I'm gonna be taking a course in criminology, something I've set my heart on since I was twelve or so. And now it's all happening, it's scary. But I can't wait. And don't worry, this is relevant! Because ... I have so many ideas for a sequel. Enough to make a trilogy, even (and my best friend is demanding this be one. No. Really. She keeps threatening me with 'this better be a trilogy or so help me'.) And I don't want these ideas to go to waste. I don't want to say goodbye to Flo and Brendon, and everyone else, just yet. I don't think I'm ready to! So... yeah. Fingers crossed, there will be a sequel... at some point. With the way life is right now, I want to give myself time, and space to think, to be able to produce something that isn't rushed, and is worthy of being a continuation, and that might take some time. A month, a couple of months, a year? Who knows? But just know that it will happen!

So yeah. That's enough from me.

(ps. Yup. I'm doing a ps. It's my 18th birthday on the 27th of May ((this coming Tuesday)) and wow how did this happen I'm gonna legally be an adult. Dang. But hey, aside from the crippling fear of the big bad world and being a grown up in it when I'm not even mature enough to go downstairs with a blanket without tying it to my shoulders and making it into a cape, when I'm obsessed with children's cartoons more than my kid brothers, the upside is that in July, I'm booked for my first tattoo! And yay presents and birthday cake!)


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