Chapter Eleven

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Dallon's booming voice broke our tryst. My heart battered the inside of my ribcage, and I clapped a hand over my mouth. I was afraid, both at Dallon, and what would have happened otherwise. I wouldn't have had the ability to stop, that was for sure. Some unreadable look crossed Brendon's face, and one corner of his mouth quirked upward in a guilty smile. Not the kind of guilt I expected - horrified, awful guilt - but more of a 'kid that got caught with his hand in a cookie jar' guilt. Huh. Guess that made me the cookie jar.

Whoa, completely inappropriate.

I pressed my hand further onto my mouth to muffle the giggle that thought gave me.

"I'm sorry," Brendon mouthed to me - or maybe it was "Holy shit," - before he composed himself, and turned to face my brother -

Who had a smile big enough to infect the whole room with crazy. He edged past bodies oblivious to this little scene, still dancing - oh, how envious I was of them - to come to a stop in front of us. He fiddled with the top button of his shirt, doing it up, and wiped the lipstick smudged on his lips off with the back of his hands, before looking at it, and giving his own mildly guilty smile. Oh, gross. I'd rather have no inkling whatsoever of my older brothers sexcapades. "Dude, where the fuck have you been all night?"

He hadn't seen. He didn't know. He didn't know. The relief almost floored me, and I let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding, hot against my palm. Which I quickly shot down, and with great restraint, put them both behind my back, where I could knead my fingers together convulsively out of sight.

"Oh, you know," Brendon lifted his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. "My mom called. Then Kara was there, so she wanted to speak. Then Kennedy woke up, and heard her uncle was on the phone, and wanted to tell me all about her day at school ..." he shrugged again.

My, Brendon Urie, what a smooth liar you are.

"Shit. Family. Crazy as fuck, but you can't change em'." Dallon laughed knowingly, nodding. It was then he seemed to realise that I was there, and he tried to amend what he had said. "Oh, Flo, I-"

"Save it, asshole." I grinned, waving him off. "I had to put up with your shit for thirteen years of my home life. So, yeah, crazy as fuck."

"Hey! I was the perfect big brother!"

"You scared away one of my friends who just had the unfortunate luck of being male with a weed hacker." I shoved his shoulder.

"That situation was badly misconstrued and you know it. I happened to be helping dad cut back the hedge, and he just happened to get lost looking for the toilet. I did not know he was your friend, may I add, and I only approached him to ask what the problem was." He shoved my shoulder back.

"Oh, yes. And you also happened to be wearing a Jason Voorhees ski mask and you didn't turn the weed hacker off! Dude, you didn't even lower it. Awfully misconstrued that was."

Dallon burst out laughing, and reached out to me. I flinched backward, expecting another hit, but instead he wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into him. "Ah, yes, Brendon. Isn't my little sister just the most adorable spitfire?" he pinched my cheek, and I batted his hand away, blushing.

Brendon's eyes were adorably wide as he looked between us, and he seemed unsure of what to say, before breaking out into a grin, and rubbing his jaw. "Huh. You two are so-"

"Don't you dare say it!" we both so happened to warn at the same time. Dammit.

"Alike." Brendon finished with a grin, and stepped backward - narrowly avoiding two passing girls in tight fitting black t-shirts, skinny jeans, converse and various other hipster get-ups including a beanie hat, ironic necklaces and nerd glasses, who gawped when they saw who it was, before scurrying away, whispering furiously. Huh, Dallon had invited Roadies - to avoid Dallon's swipe.

CASUAL AFFAIR; brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now