Chapter Thirty-Six

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The airport in Florida wasn't all that crowded as I got off the plane later that day, in late afternoon. At least not compared to how hectic and crammed the one in California was. And luckily, I'd escaped any terrible jet lag or even headaches, only wincing as my ears popped as we touched down.

I located my bag easy enough off the conveyor, and switched my cell back on. Three missed call and three new messages. The first call and two of the messages were from Sammi, the first letting me know that she would be waiting outside by her car for me. Then the second saying 'Aw, foo, I forgot you're on a plane! >.<'

The other two calls were from Breezy and Dallon's house, obviously just checking up on me, so I fired off a quick text - to Dallon, knowing he'd be the one with his panties in a bunch - letting them know everything was a-ok, and I was now in Florida.

And the other text was from Brendon.

I just want you to know how much fun I'm having without you. And I'll have you know I only cried for twenty minutes. - B

I smiled wide to myself and paused just as long as it was to tap out a reply.

Your day can't be much better than mine has been - free airplane peanuts, baby xo

Tucking my cell back into my pocket with a smile, I headed toward the exit of the terminal. I felt ... Buoyant. Like a balloon that had had its air let out, replaced with helium and looped around someone's wrist. Like a levitating girl who's only hope of not drifting away into the clouds was shoes with stones stuffed into the soles.

Either I was in a really, really good mood or the lack of oxygen from being so high up was getting to my brain.

And there Sammi was, waiting for me, as I stepped through the exit, blinking in the bright sunlight, the humid Florida air enveloping me. A great big grin lit up her pretty, narrow face, pulling up her siren red lips. Her bright blue eyes were ringed with smoky black eyeliner, hair now a shade of platinum blond hanging in soft ringlet curls over her shoulders, a black Alice band adding innocence to her already doll-like look. What can I say, the girl lived up to her name, all dainty, pointed chin, flawless skin, teeny tiny hips. She was leaning against the door of a big silver sedan, arms folded, ankles crossed delicately. "Flo!" she cried when she saw me, straightening up and running (as best as a girl can in wickedly heeled black boots) to me, before wrapping her arms around me tight.

I hugged her back, laughing at her enthusiastic greeting, my chin resting on her shoulder. "Good to see you too, Doll."

"Oh, Flo, it feels like it's been forever." she finally released me, but kept a firm hold of my shoulders, leaning to plant a quick kiss on my cheek. "You look fantastic, sweetie."

"Aw, shucks, you sweet liar, you." I leant in and kissed her cheek back, before fiddling with one of her curls. "You look as incredible as ever. And you make such an adorable blonde."

She chuckled, and looped her arm through my elbow. "So would you, you know." we began walking over to the car, arm in arm, my bag trundling, her heels clicking. "But I digress. It's so great having you here, and me and the guys can't thank you enough."

I shook my head, smiling. "It's my pleasure."

Sammi took my bag from me, popping the trunk open and slotting it in.

"Nice soccer mom car." I remarked, giving her a wry grin.

She rolled her eyes dramatically as she slammed the trunk shut. "I knew I should have texted you not to say anything about the damned car."

"But you didn't, so" I blew a raspberry at her. "Ooh, can we get ice-cream once you've picked Timmy up from pee-wee football?" I joked.

She held a finger out to me in a warning. "I can make your death look like an accident."

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