Chapter Forty-Five

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On the sixteenth of July, at seven fifteen pm, I got off the phone with Gerard Way, after discussing the final concept art which he'd just received in the mail. He had sounded genuinely excited, and I could hear him thumbing through the pages as he spoke to me. He'd declared it 'the love of his life ... aside from, y'know, the wife and kid, and the band,' and needless to say, Florence was in a very good mood.

A good enough mood that when I opened the door to Brendon, I pulled him into a giddy kiss. When we broke apart I grinned. "Well if it isn't Ivanna Punchya."

He laughed, shaking his head. "Hello to you, too."

"Gerard loved my concept art for the comic." I grinned, unable to contain myself.

"Really? That's great, Florrie!" he said, before pulling me into another, longer kiss. "Not that I thought any less."

I giggled, reaching around to take the hand resting on my lower back, and pull him inside after me. "Kiss ass."

"You can't say kiss or ass, and then leave me hanging with neither." he chuckled. "By the way, your hair looks fabulous today." he said with over the top enthusiasm, his tone playful.

"Idiot." I teased, turning around and taking a hold of the lapels of his jacket and pulling him into me.

"Ah, but I'm your idiot." he replied, and his words sent butterflies exploding into confetti in my stomach. We stood, pressed close together for a few long seconds, before Brendon cleared his throat, suddenly looking bashful. "I've got a present for you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." he said, taking a step back, and reaching into his jacket, pulling out a flat, rectangular wrapped shape. He looked down at it before holding it out to me with an encouraging smile.

I took it from him gently, looking at the Nightmare Before Christmas paper and laughing. Unlike his cookie making, Brendon was a super neat wrapper. Neat to the point where it was difficult to locate where he'd taped it, and even then, it was difficult to jimmy it open. But finally, with a loud ripping noise, and a jagged tear right across the middle, it was easy to pull the rest away, and in my hands, was a DVD.

I laughed, looking up at him with raised eyebrows. "Lilo & Stitch?"

He nodded, and looped his arm across my shoulders, leading me the rest of the way to the living room, his hip knocking against mine as we walked. "Consider tonight a class of sorts - Teaching Florrie Why Lilo & Stitch Is The Best Disney Movie 101."

"And you're the teacher?" I deliberately bumped my hip against his.

"Call me Mr Urie." he said in a sing song.

"Oh." I said. "I just thought that teacher and student weren't really supposed to fool around." I teased.

He stopped, his arm still around me, half turning and leaning down to press his lips on mine. "I'm usually a great teacher. But then again, my students have never been this hot."

I laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. "Are you trying to charm your way into my pants, Mr Urie?"

"Is it working?"

I put my hand on the small of his back, and let it trail down. "Yes."

"Then yes. Yes I am." he sounded pleased with himself.

"Well," I leant up on my toes, my lips hovering beside his cheek, and his eyes fluttered shut in anticipation. I smiled wide, and suddenly pulled away from him with a giggle, shaking the DVD. "Stop. We have a movie to watch."

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