Chapter Eight

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Brendon brushed my hair back from one shoulder, and the bareness of it gave me more chills than it probably should. His lips tugged up in a smile, as his hand glided down my arm, giving me goosebumps. "I'd hurry if I were you. The suspense is killing me." He whispered in my ear.

I suppose it is I thought, and my fingers pushed the first button of his waistcoat through the hole, gliding out with ease. "I like men in waistcoats." My fingers went down to the next button. But you might just be the exception that I would rather see out of one. My fingers had started to slip in their haste, struggling to push the third button free. Damn it, Florence!

"Need a hand there?" Brendon's voice was beyond amused, and those long fingers of his went over mine, guiding them, until finally, triumphantly, the button was free, and there was only one more to go. I fingered the golden chain first, playing with it, letting the moonlight catch on it, making it wink. I need a hand everywhere.

"A chain without a pocket watch." I said against Brendon's lips, as his hands runched up the side of my dress, we fell against the boat. "How odd."

Lips like fireworks traced my jaw, my chin, my neck, my throat, then my lips again. I could feel some various part of the boat digging into my back, dust went up in a cloud, and a loose nail scraped down my ankle, not quite drawing blood, but I didn't care. How could I, when I was otherwise preoccupied with something such as kissing Brendon?

The last button must have been freed sometime during that, whether by accident, or intention, I really don't know. Same with Brendon's braces. Had I removed them? Had he? All I knew was that I'd ran my hands underneath them for a moment, testing their elasticity, and then, the clasp was free, on both sides at the front. The shirt, however, was a collaborative, me starting at the bottom, Brendon at the top, and for a strange moment, it was an almost childish game, a race, to see who could free the most.

They didn't come entirely off, yet, no. No, instead, when contact was broken, I lunged for an opening, pushing my lips against Brendon's throat, his Adams apple, running a hand up his toned, smooth stomach, starting at the fine trail of dark hair - his happy trail - right up, onto his equally deliciously smooth and toned chest, broad shoulders, neck. "You'd make a fucking amazing vampire." Brendon laughed, gripping a piece of wood level with my head, my hip.

As compliments went, it was ... No, it was just fucking weird. And I loved it.

The hand that had been holding my hip went round to my back, and I let out a whimper as I felt his fingers going down, sliding down the notches of my spine. And that hand trailed around, under my arm - dear god, do not be tickly now, Florence, do not be tickly - I managed to press my lips together in a hard line to stop the giggle, and the zip at the front of the dress went down, both sides peeling open, revealing my strapless black bra, bare skin -

"Jesus!" Brendon gave a sharp intake of breath, and his chest pulled away from mine for a moment. We both looked down to see what had caused his reaction, and the necklace - the necklace that Dallon had given to me, in what seemed like so long ago - spun until Brendon caught it between his fingers, stopping it. He swept a finger around the metal loop. "This..."

"Oh, I can take it off if you want." I said quickly, brushing my hair over one shoulder, reaching for the back of the necklace, ready to pull it away -

Brendon took that hand, stopping it, and pulling it back down to his stomach - oh my god, his belly button is an outie! I had no idea why that pleased me so much. "That's not necessary." He said. He must have seen my slight puzzlement, because he chuckled, and put his hand on the small of my back, leaning down to my ear. I was certain there wasn't a single part of our bodies that wasn't touching in some intimate way or other. "Believe me, Florrie, when I say there's method in my madness."

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