Chapter Ten

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My fingers traced the tender skin, a bright purple and pink, and slightly raised, hotter than the rest of my skin. Inconspicuous it was not, so I dug into the little basket under the sink, and found my - to my relief - emergency make up bag. I pulled the foundation out - sweat proof and the thick kind, thank god-, and swept the thick brush across my skin generously, tickling my throat. It didn't cover it all, exactly, but it did a good enough job that it wouldn't be too noticeable. Next I rolled some liquid liner across my upper lids, and kohl on my bottom. I didn't have the same shade or type of lipstick that Jessa had used on me, but that hadn't suffered too badly (seriously. Miracle lipstick.) so I'd have to wing it there.

Sweet Jesus above, I found a pair of relatively similar black lace panties - albeit a bit bigger - in my drawer, and I felt so much better when I pulled them on. Safer, I guess.

Lastly, I tugged a hairbrush through my tangled and swept locks, until it was smooth and presentable again, and with a confident smile at myself, I swung it over one shoulder in that cute way Jessa showed me.

I wouldn't have said I was willing to go back into the party now, merely ready.

Observing the party from the doorway only made it seem like there was all the more people, and I gripped the doorway so hard my knuckles went white. Jessa wasn't atop the kegger anymore, and Alex DeLeon was talking to a pretty redhead. Spencer was tenderly kissing the blonde, I saw the mop of Ian's hair somewhere, but ... no Dallon. Actually, no Brendon.

I was still in a world of my own when someone called my name, jolting me back to reality. I looked over to see Breezy, my brother's wife, standing over by the other doorway. She smiled warmly when she noticed she'd gotten my attention and waved. I grinned back, and returned the wave. Breezy's smile widened, and she crooked her finger at me to come over.

"Sweetie!" Breezy cried when I was finally close enough, close enough for her to throw those skinny arms of hers around me, and pull me into one of her special extra tight embraces. "You. Look. Stunning." She said, placing her hands either side my face, and pressing her lips to mine quickly and softly. "Charmant." She smiled sweetly, and kissed my cheek.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I smiled right back - it was hard not to. Breezy was just this infectiously happy, wickedly witty girl, and I loved her. "Who am I kidding? You look enchanteur." I pulled her in for my own hug, and then ran my hand down the length of her black one shouldered dress printed with Chinese coins, which hugged her slim frame gorgeously and had a single long sleeve. Her long, almost black waves of hair were in a soft, half up, half down hairstyle, her eyes dark with heavy liner and kohl, making her green eyes look entrancing, and her lips were painted a siren red.

"Really?" Breezy looked down at herself, scrutinising. Then she ran her hands down her flat stomach, as if pushing out any wrinkles in the fabric. She looked up at me and grinned. "This is my second choice of outfit. Knox threw up on the other."

I wrinkled my nose up sympathetically, and laughed. "Gotta love that kid."

"You know what? I do." Breezy smiled softly, at the thought of her two year old son. "Thing is, that boy never lets me stay mad at him. He just gives me this wide-eyed innocent look, and then this massive grin, and I'm a goner." She shook her head affectionately. "Just like his daddy."

Almost as if on command, Dallon's booming laugh came from not very far away at all, and a group of people who had - obviously - been obscuring him from us, was suddenly parted, and there my brother was, drunk not on alcohol, but just riding that natural high he got from the party. "Breezy!" He cried as soon as his eyes landed on her, and he quickly strode over, wrapping her in his arms, and giving her one of the longest, most passionate kisses I'd ever seen a man give. And, yes, I did find it cute because, yes, Breezy and Dallon, my sister-in-law and brother, made such an awesome couple. But I also found it suitably awkward and uncomfortable.

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