Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Four days later, I was on Jessa's doorstep, my fist pounding against the door.

Aside from Brendon, my best friend had weighed heavily on my mind. I missed her, I missed the too tight way she hugged me, I missed the ridiculous advice she gave, I missed her random moments of wise clarity, I missed her insaneness, I missed the way she'd crack bad jokes, I missed the way she made me laugh, I missed the way she made me an accomplice to whatever crime or conspiracy she was plotting or involved in.

I didn't just miss her. I needed her.

I didn't even care that it was Jack who answered, shirtless, hair rumpled. "Florence?"

"Is Jessa in?" I asked, nerves suddenly twisting my gut, now that the easy part of knocking on the door was over.

"Who is it?" I heard her voice call from behind him, and from behind him I saw her curiously peer past, blonde hair all in rumpled waves, wearing teeny short shorts and what I suspected was the shirt Jack was currently missing.

And I shoved past Jack suddenly, running over to her and grabbing her in a tight, warm embrace.

"Flo?" her voice was full of surprise, which was better than the frostiness I'd steeled myself for.

"I'm a shitty, shitty friend." I said, burying my face into her shoulder. "And I am so sorry." I added fiercely.

And after a moment, Jessa's arms wound around me and she hugged me back.

"Now." she said, and pulled back, arms still hooked around my neck. "Firstly, stop the waterworks." she smiled, nodding towards the tears in my eyes and running down my cheeks, despite the fact that her own eyes were swimming too. "Secondly ... Tell me everything. Tell me every. Damned. Thing."

So yeah ... I'm really sorry about the shortness of this. It's more a filler than anything, to make Flo and Jessa make up. I do, however, in light of that, promise an update sooner than the usual four/five days!

But this is kinda gonna be a lil shameless self-promotion - I also have a short story, based on the video for The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, called Pleased To Please Ya!, so it'd be real swell if you checked it out!

And I swear the amount I've listened to Idina Menzel's version of Let It Go (from Frozen, if you've not seen it omG GUYS YOU SHOULD) is really unhealthy.


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