Chapter Thirty-Three

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Turns out the first cake was a 'prank cake' - a white intricately bricked castle made of soft marzipan, pink turrets, atop of which were white flags, and green vines with pink buds climbing up the walls, the grass being little green cake crystals. As far as prank cakes went, it was pretty damn intricate. Brendon's face, when he saw it, was one of the most befuddled things ever, and Zack clapped him on the shoulder, laughing, whilst Dallon and Ian were each letting out their own chuckles, and snorts. Spencer leant over and pinched Brendon's cheek, putting on a baby voice as he said "Just in case you forgot you're the prettiest princess in all the land."

Brendon laughed, shoving Spencer away playfully, rubbing his cheek. "Aw, man. Really?" he shook his head.

Spencer chuckled, before holding the mic back up and calling "Bring the other one through. Apparently the birthday diva has some issues with this one."

The next cake, carried in by a beaming Linda and set down beside the castle, was much more modest, a smaller, round chocolate cake with two layers of chocolate cream, frosting, candles all around the edge and 'Happy 25th Birthday Brendon!' in white piped icing.

"Now, tell me, would it be bad to ask you to sing your own birthday song?" Spencer asked, and there was a collective laugh from the crowd. "I mean, we would, but your voice is so much nicer than ours." He thrust the mic under Brendon's nose, and Brendon batted it away, laughing and shaking his head. "Uh, uh. No way, bro."

Spencer rolled his eyes, shaking his head at him, before turning to the crowd and holding five fingers up. Then four. Then three, and then, when all his fingers were down, I murmured the words along with everyone else. When it came to the third verse, Dallon suddenly lunged at Spencer, snatching the mic up and bellowing "I'm a little teapot

Short and stout

When I get all steamed up hear me shout

Now eat some birthday cake

And get the heck out!"

I wanted to smack my hand to my face. Still, at his age, he used the same old birthday song he'd always thought was so freaking hilarious. It brought back memories of past parties, from when I was a kid. I wondered about my brother sometimes.

"Make a wish!" Pete yelled from a few feet away, Meagan hanging onto his arm.

And after he'd puffed his cheeks up, and blew each one out, one by one, straightening up and grinning, and Linda fluttered over to pluck the candles out, before fluttering out the way again, Zack thumped a hand to Brendon's back. "Aw, my baby's all grown up." He pretended to wipe a tear away, before wrapping his arms around him and yanking Brendon to his chest in what looked like a bone crushing hug.

"Jeez, mom, you're embarrassing me." Brendon fake whined, struggling a little to free himself, but giving up with his arms hopelessly pinned down.

Ian reached over and ruffled Brendon's hair. "What a charming, handsome young man he's turning out to be."

Spencer called for silence again, before clearing his throat. "Now I'm gonna start by telling you some stories about my friend here," he paused, smiling bashfully. "My brother." He laughed as Brendon pulled a face. "Now you look worried! Don't be. We won't say any of the embarrassing ones, like that time we went Go-Kart racing and your butt busted a hole through the seat and you wore away your jean material and skinned your butt cheeks." There was a roar of laughter from the crowd, including myself, at the image of that. Still, those things felt baby smooth when I'd had my hands on them... "Or that you cried for about ten minutes after that." Spencer continued, and there was more laughter. "No, I'm gonna spare you the humiliation just for one night."

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