Chapter Thirty-Five

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I awoke a whole hour before the alarm.

A whole damned hour.

I awoke all tangled up in sheets, my hips aching like a sumbitch and with an oddly comfortable shoulder as my pillow. Oh, and buck naked, too. If I wasn't already aware of it, the sleepy hand cupping one of my breasts protectively that I was hyper aware of would surely have given it away in no time. All in all, not a bad way to wake up on the morning after the night before. Heck. The best way to wake up.

Gently plucking the hand off and laying it down gently, I rose up into a sitting position probably not unlike how Dracula rose from his coffin in the old Bela Lugosi films, yawning wide enough to crack my jaw, and stretching until I felt my limbs tremble with the effort.

I gazed around at the state of the room as I adjusted to being back within the realm of the living, and at the carnage we'd managed to create on our way here. Of course, not wrecking the place was too much of a challenge. It wasn't just the clothes, both mine and his strewn about. No. The door had been slammed hard enough to knock a canvas print off the wall. It had rattled the set of drawers so that everything on top went rolling off to the floor - sheets of paper with Brendon's writing all over it, pens, deodorant. His clothes hamper was lying on its side, with its contents hurled across the ground. I remembered with a smile that Brendon's foot had slipped on a t-shirt and I'd giggled, both at his wind-milling arms and at his brief panicked expression, before he'd managed to catch himself. He'd arched an eyebrow high at that, before wrapping his hands around my wrists and pushing me back onto the bed, laughing as he pinned me and said 'so you think that's funny, huh?' And his lamp was on the ground from his bedside table, after he'd rattled around inside it in search of condoms. I remembered the pop of the bulb as it hit the ground. And the curtains were wide open, spilling golden morning light on it all.

I bit my lip to hide the totally non-guilty smile. Then yawned again, and smooshed my face into my hands groaning softly to myself. "Go away today, I'm not done with yesterday."

Brendon gave a soft snort in his sleep, almost like he was agreeing with me. And I looked down at him. Twisted even worse in the sheets, only just covering his modesty (not that I was complaining, no siree), still fast out, with one arm dangling over the edge of the bed, the other still left in the position from when I'd been lying on it, the guilty hand lying in a loose fist, his chest rising and falling slowly with each breath, his chin in the air and his mouth slightly open, like he was catching flies. Bless him, and his cute little naked toosh.

Oh god, now I was thinking about his butt, and the idea I'd been throwing around about maybe getting in another good hour of sleep was shot down, because ... his butt.

How was I supposed to just lie beside him, all naked and cute, and not nudge him awake for round ... um. Four.

No. What I needed to do now was get myself ready. Up and at em'. Face the day in fighting form. Or ... at least not stink like sex the whole day. Combine that with a few hours on a plane ... Nasty.

So I threw my legs over the side of the bed, stood up, my knees wobbling a little, and padded through to the en-suite bathroom. I cringed a little at the girl with the wild bed head in the mirror, before giving myself a little encouraging shake. First things first. Actually, properly, wake up. Running the cold tap and splashing the water on my face did the trick, and after I'd dried off, I made a lame effort to tame my hair, scraping it back into a messy ponytail. I'm sure Brendon won't mind sharing I thought as I put a dollop of paste on his toothbrush. After all, he's the reason my mouth's been where it's been. And as I scrubbed away at my teeth until I didn't taste last night anymore, sometime during, I found myself grinning. Grinning big and wide and silly. And not caring. Because last night had been many things, including intense and mind blowing and fantastic, and ... Fun.

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