Chapter Two

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Jessa came about three hours later, half-dressed in her outfit for going out, evident she'd attempted to try getting dressed in the car, and laden down with three crates of beer (the good stuff, she'd told me, and despite me saying there would be plenty of alcohol there anyway, knowing Dallon) and grinning from ear to ear. "Tonight's gonna be wild, bitches!" she sang, squealing with excitement and raising one arm in the air, the beer crate dangling precariously.

And the pessimist that I am, I could just imagine the first beer breaking free of the cardboard and crashing to the floor, followed by the other lemming beers, so I lunged and grabbed the crate from her, hugging it to my chest.

Jessa watched me, eyebrows knitted together, before making what I'd dubbed the 'pooh-pooh you' face, named after a favourite expression of hers from childhood that had just stuck. "You're just too responsible, babydoll."

"Someone has to be, between us." I said, with humour, shaking my head. "Can you seriously imagine two Jessa's?"

She pointed a finger at me, jabbing it in my direction. "It'd be pretty freaking sick, is what it would be."

I rolled my eyes, and waved my free hand to indicate she come in. When she had, I kicked the door shut behind me and followed her into my kitchen, where she threw the crates down carelessly, and I laid the one in my arms down gently, turning to see her already plugging her iPod dock in, and cranking it up to full volume, Bon Jovi's It's My Life blasting out.

Ah, yes, please meet Jessa Nicholls, regular wild child, questionable taste in music and someone whose motto appeared to be 'dude, it seemed like a good idea at the time'.

"You just have no consideration, do you?" I said, leaning against the counter and folding my arms across my chest.

"About the same amount of balls you have, babydoll." She plucked a grape from my fruit bowl, popping it in her mouth, before screwing up her face and singing 'This ain't a song for the broookenheeeaaaaaarted!' along with the song. She then proceeded to pry two beers out the case, and threw one to me.

She arched her eyebrows, giving me a challenging look, before popping the cap with her teeth. I narrowed my eyes, knowing she thought I wouldn't do it, so just to spite her; I placed the cap between my teeth and tugged.

"You surprise me." She said, waving a hand at me, giving me a look of approval, before taking a hearty swig.

"Excuse me." I said, waving a hand down myself. "Do you not remember that I taught you that?" before I knocked the bottle back myself.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She clucked her tongue. Then she scooped up a plastic bag from the table and shook it. "Let's get pretty, so we can dance all night long, drink until we forget the last twenty years of our life and find guys to make like little horny bunnies with!"

"It's only inevitable with you, isn't it?"

"Don't you just love it." Jessa winked, and took my hand, leading me along to my bedroom.

As soon as I closed the door behind me, Jessa was flinging her white blouse off, and bra, digging inside the bag. Jessa had no qualms about the naked body, which was probably what helped earn her the reputation she has. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the girl, but even something like that is just too uncomfortable for my liking. So I turned and faced the door, until I heard her sigh - probably rolling her eyes at my squeamishness, and sing-song "I'm deceeeant!"

I turned back, and she did a little twirl for me. "What do you think?" she asked, fluffing a hand up in her tousled surfer chick blonde locks.

She was in a white Grateful Dead muscle shirt, the sides cut away revealing her black tube bra, bright red skinny jeans, the knees all torn and shredded up, and black combat boots.

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