Chritmas Special Part 1

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Italy walked down the street skipping happily. He was going to his friend, Germany's house. He decided to go after Romano's huge freakout. As he walked along the sidewalk he saw a blond male. Italy stopped in his tracks but, tapped the man lightly on the shoulder. The man quickly fell back, it was England.

Italy hid behind some nearby trashcans. To Italy's surprise England was fast asleep. Italy felt bad and started to drag the English man to Germany's house.

***Time Skip to Potato Bastards***

Italy knocked on the German's door. Germany answer the door. He jump back alittle bit, he was surprised that he had England.

"What zeh Hell!? Vhy do you have him!?" Germany shouted.

"I found him he seemed... Odd. I think he might be sick Germany. Can we help him... Please?" Italy said.

"He is our Enemy! No we can't help him, zhis must ve a trick!"

"Come on... It's Christmas Eve. You would expect him to help us too, Right?"

Germany sighed, there was a long line of slience.

"Fine. I guess... But... Ve keep him in ze cells in my vasement." Germany said eventually.

"Ve~ Thank You Germany! You will be rewarded for your Kindness." Italy said.

"Ja, Ja. Just lets take him in all veady."

Germany grabbed Englands feet as Italy held him under his pits. The two carried England to the cells in the basement. They set him down on the bed. Germany took England's things from him, then put them in a sack. He walked away, but closed and locked the cell.

"Germany it's really cold down here... Could we atleast not let him be cold?" Italy asked.

Germany looked at Italy but then he heard England. Italy and Germany both looked at him. He was slowly waking up. He rubbed his eyes and opened them wide.

"Huh? Wha~ what are you too doing... Here? Wait... Where am I?" England asked looking around.

"You ver Resuced By... Italy. He found you passed out. He said you vooked sick so he drug jou vere." Germany said.

The two just stared at each other for awhile. Then Italy came skipping down the stairs.

"Here you go! I made it for you. Romano taught me the recipe." Italy said handing him a bowl of soup.

England looked at it.

"Well... If you don't take it, it'll get cold." Italy said once more.

He took the soup and set it on the side table. He started to eat slowly. Italy smiled.

"Hey England... You cold? I can get you a blanket." Italy said.

England rubbed his arms.

"Yea... Alittle bit. I would really appreciate that." England said.

Italy went upstairs to go blankets.

"I'm going to go witz him." Germany said following Italy.

As Germany reached the top of the stairs Italy was just about to go back down.

"Hello Germany! I'm gonna go give this blanket to England." Italy said.

"Vait." Germany said sticking his arm out to block from passing.

"Ve~ What is it?"

"Vell... I vas vondering... If ve should get a vansom for England."

"What!? No. That is Not the Christmas Spirt Germany! He's sick and all you want is money? No. He is my prisoner. And... And... I- I won't let you do it!"

Italy pushed Germany's arm away and walked down the stairs.

Germany got mad and he stomped down the stairs.

England P.O.V~

I shivered as the warm soup went down my throat. I saw Italy come down the stairs with an upset look. He handed me the blanket through the bars. I grabbed the blanket from Italy when I saw Germany, he was angery.

He grabbed Italy by the collar of his shirt. Then through him into the cells. I fell to my feet by him hitting me. I acted knocked out so he wouldn't hurt me. He left the room with the slam of the door.

When my phone went off. I couldn't reach it, but was a text from America! Saying that there was a meeting.

'Yes! If I don't show up, he'll get worried and come look for me.' England said to himself.

Normal P.O.V~
It had been almost 2 hours. England still wasn't there.

"Hay Dudes... I'm getting worried. England still isn't here. I think he's in trouble." America said pacing back and Forth.

"Oh Please. That Black Sheep of Europe is proboly at home sleeping." France said crossing his arms.

"Yea, but it's 7:30 America texted England at 5:30. He would've surely seen it by now, aru." China said.

"He proboly forgot. It's England... Are we really that worried?" France repiled.

"Yes! Besides your guys fued, we've been planning this for weeks."

"Yea, plus it was his idea to do the dirty santa. I had the perfect idea for You and England."

"Cool... Yea, yea... Look I don't know about you guys but I'm going to go look for him." America said grabbing his coat.

He walked out the door. As he walked outside he held alittle box in his hand.

"Don't worry Iggy... I'm going to find you... I promise." America said.

He looked up into the sky when he saw a Christmas Miracle.


Don't worry I will post part 2 later on today... It is a Christmas Special ya know. But I hope you guys are all in the Christmas Spirt of things staying Jolly and with your Family. Plus if you are not having such a hot day. I hope this cheers you up! As Finland would say...

Merry Christmas Everyone HoHoHo!

Plus I hope you guys got what you wanted. I sorry if you didn't I really want you guys to be Super Quad-Triple Happy today. That is proboly not a thing but who cares... IT'S CHRISTMAS! Woo-Hoo.

But anyways (again) I hope you guys have had a wonderful Christmas Day and I want to give luck for your New Year wishes. I wish you all a Jolly Holly Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

(Hay it's over 1000 words I feel a complished :3 )


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