Mermaid Denmark x Iceland Part 1

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Mermaid Denmark x Iceland Part 1

-Iceland's P.O.V-
I was angry at Norway, because he won't stop. Call me Big Brother this, call me big brother that. I mean he just won't stop! What part does he not understand? I am not a child anymore! I went by the dock to calm myself down. I sat down letting my feet dangle off the edge. The view was nice, but my mind was still on Norway.
I grabbed a piece of the wood off the dock, and threw it into the water. I slightly sung my feet back and forth. Or that was till my foot, hit something then I heard a little splash. I looked down and didn't see anything. Then I heard a faint ow.

Iceland- "Hey! Who is saying ow?"

I looked around and no one was to be seen, or heard at that matter. I furrowed my eyebrows and flopped back, on my back. Then I saw two hands grab the edge of the dock. My eyes widened as a man pulled himself up to face me.

Iceland- "W-What the H-Hell?"

Denmark- "That's a nice first impression."

Iceland- "What is?"

Denmark- "Kicking someone in the face, then just saying who is that? I mean you could've asked if I was okay."

Iceland- "Sorry, I didn't expect someone to actually be under the deck. Why were you even under there anyway?"

Denmark- "Well to be honest, I have no idea."

Iceland- "Okay, another question. Why are you in the water, aren't you going to get out?"

Denmark- "Why would I get out of the water?"

Iceland- "Well because, I don't know. You're human right?"

Denmark- "Haha! What's your name?"

Iceland- "Emil."

Denmark- "Hello Emil, I'm Mathias. You know, wanna see something cool?"

Iceland- "Erm... Is it bad?"

Denmark- "You're nervous. Don't worry Emil, it isn't bad. But it'll blow your mind."

Iceland- "I'm staying here though."

Denmark- "That's okay."

I raised my eyebrow, but I was nervous. I had no idea what he was going to show me.

Denmark- "Emil, can you close your eyes?"

I sighed but did it anyway, the I heard him get out of the water. My heart started pounding and all that went through my mind was its bad, its bad, IT IS BAD!!!

Denmark- "You can open your eyes now, Emil."

I opened my eyes and saw it!

Iceland- "You have a tail."

Denmark- "Cool Huh?"

Iceland- "Yeah! Is it cool having fins?"

The two then continued to chat. Then at sunrise-

Iceland- "Hey Mathias, I'll be back tomorrow at 9 o'clock. Is that alright."

Denmark- "Alright! And hey it isn't super early too!"

I chuckled and went back to my house. The stress that I had, melted away. Or at least until I got home. I was bossed by Lukas, and yelled at him. Why were you gone so long? Where were you? Call me Big Brother.
I ignored him, and went to my bedroom. I put on headphones and blurred him out. I sat at my desk listening to music, then Mathias came in my head. I smiled, he relieved all the stress. I had a notebook and a pencil nearby, so I started to draw.
I guess I wasn't really paying attention to my drawing. I ended up drawing this-

	So corny, but I really think I like him

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So corny, but I really think I like him. More then a friend. Love at first Sight.
The next morning, I ate breakfast then went upstairs to go get ready for the dock. I put on casual clothes (for summer) then head out. I left before Lukas noticed, I didn't want to hear it. It was a bit past 9 when I got there, when I saw Mathias just swimming.

Iceland- "Morning Mathias."

Mathias- "Hej Emil! So how's your morning, your brother bother you?"

Iceland- "No. I left before he could. How's your morning?"

Denmark- "I don't know, normal? Got up, brushed my hair, then left."

Iceland- "Didn't you eat?"

Denmark- "Well yeah, I may not be human. But I act just like one. The only difference is I have a tail."

Iceland- "That's cool. Hey I wanted to ask you something."

Denmark- "Yeah sure, hit me with it! Not literally."

Iceland- "Well it's um- crap! That's Lukas! I gotta hide."

Then I jumped in the water. Mathias went under water along with me. To make sure I was okay. He grabbed me and pulled me under the dock, so I could breathe and also listen to Lukas.

Lukas- "Emil. I just saw you. I'm not leaving until you come back up. I need an explanation for this 'Thing'!"

Denmark- "Hey Emil, since your brothers not going to leave I can show you something cool."

Iceland- "Sure I guess."

Mathias smiled and I grabbed on to his shoulders. He then started to swim to the rocks at the end of the deck.

Iceland- "Why are we swimming to the-"

Denmark- "Hold your shells Emil. Just watch."

We got to the end then we went under water. Then he brought me to a cave. He bright me to the edge, and I got on the ground.

Iceland- "Woah. What is this place."

Denmark- "My secret lair. Haha, although it would be a lot cooler if you actually could breathe underwater."

Iceland- "Yeah, my brother can do magic, I could maybe sneak through his books and find a spell."

Denmark- "Well there is one way."

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