Mystery Ships Part 1 Bonus

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And Maybe another little ship... HonHonHonHonHonHonHon

America walked out of the meeting hall to Denmark's. He wanted to hear both sides of this story. 'Why in the world would he of ALL people kiss France? That is just... Gross!' America thought getting shivers down his back.

***Le Timeskip to Denmark***

America's P.O.V~

I walked to Denmark's mansion house thing. I don't understand why he lives with Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland though. I don't live with the other Allies. Why dose he live with the other Nordic's? Pssh... I can ask him that if I remeber after I chew him out. I knocked on the door and I heard a loud crash. Norway opened the door. I saw Denmark in the background stuck in a laundry basket.

"What do you want!?" Norway hissed at me.

"Nor... It is America. He obviously here to see the King, or he came to help get out of this stupid basket." Denmark said struggling to get out of the basket.

"Ugg... Fine don't be annoying I will not hesitate to turn you into cat." Norway said letting me in. He rolled his eyes and went up the stairs.

"What you need? If you wanna move somewhere else then here, your gonna have to get me out of this stupid basket!"

"Okay Okay Dude. I need to talk to you about... Something."

"Okay wanna do it in private?"


"Then Get me out of this Stupid basket."

***Time Skip to Get Denmark out of Le Basket***

"Thank You my ass, no longer hurts and I'm comfortable again."

"Yeah I wouldn't like it either."

"So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh yeah, but let's go somewhere else. This is going to embarrass you quite a bit."


The Dane raised and eyebrow at the American's statement but went upstairs for 'privacy'.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Why did you kiss France?"

"... What!?"

"Why did you kiss France?"

"I think I would remember that."

"And your about to-
At my party a while back. We had to take Gil to the Hospital. So you, Japan, and France were left alone. Japan left because it's Japan. Well then the power went out and you got scared then you and FRANCE had a Makeout session."

(Denmark's face is a dark shade of Red.)

"I knew it dude! But why?"

"I-I don't k-know to be h-honest I don't even remember t-that."

"Look, that's gross in many ways. But I just want you to know... I will smack you if do anything like that ever again dude."

"Okay, okay."

"Oh and France wanted me to tell you, you are a good kisser."

"What The Fuck!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

The End

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