Denmark x England

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Time for the Fail Brothers Trio Ships! OMG! Hehe

England sent Italy home the next mourning. He left after awhile just hanging out at his house. He walked past the pub on his little walk he was taking. He saw Denmark go into the bar. England looked at his watch and realized how long he spent being lazy.

He decided to go into the bar. Maybe just maybe Denmark would like to hang out with him. Without him loosing an arm and a leg. He walked in and saw Denmark sit at a table with two bottles of whiskey. He went and sat down at his booth.

"Oh Hey! Are you here to drink with me?" Denmark said getting excited and jumping up and down in his seat.

"Well sure, I guess do I have to buy my own liquor?" England asked with a nervous smile.

"Nah... I just got a paycheck to blow off. I got ya covered... But nothing to much, I still gotta help the other Nordics out with the bills this month."

"Okay then mate since this is basically all your liquor then you choose what to do with it."

"Lets Have A Drinking Contest! First To 100 Shots Wins!" Denmark yelled and popped open the first bottle of whiskey. He started getting drinking his shots one by one. 5 minutes went by and he was on his 36th shot while England was on his 16th. By the time England was on his 43rd, Denmark was on his 99th. He was about to take the last shot before completely passing out on the table. England shrugged and drank his shot.

"I win by default my Love." England said. He was only alittle tipsy, but nothing to bad. Although Denmark on the other hand... Was completely passed out. When waiter came with the bill and England paid with his money. He decied that Denmark could pay him back in the mourning. He carried Denmark to his house because he lived in the other side of the country.

***Le Time Skip to zeh Iggy's House***

He laided Denmark on the couch and covered him with a blanket. As he did Denmark hugged England's waist not allowing him to leave his grasp.

"Let go of my Denmark! I want to go to bed!" England said getting grouchy.

"Nu-uh! I won't until I get a goodnight kiss. That's the rules!" Denmark said hugging England tighter.

"What!? No. I will not give you a goodnight Kiss! Who dose that!? You're a Grown man!"

"Oh Well... Guess ya have to sleep in my arms!" With that being said. Denmark  pulled England into his lap. Denmark kept rubbing his face in his back.

"Stop That! It feels werid you Git!" England said. Eventually England just gave up and was ready to give the drunken Dane a kiss. "Where do I kiss you?"

"On dah lips." Denmark said making kissing sounds. England sighed in defeat. Not like Denmark would remeber anyway. He was way past sober to be the slightest bit serious. Sides what would a quick peck on the lips do? England quickly tried to peck the Danes lips, but didn't work out as planned.

"There you go, you can let go of me now." England said trying to get out of Denmark's grasp.

"Nope. That was wasn't a goodnight kiss. It has to be full on lips on lips action." Denmark said rubbing his head against England's back again. England frowned, and quickly put his lips on Denmark's.

He kissed for longer than he actually expected to. He was actually enjoying it! Each time Denmark would break it, England started it again. Denmark's tasted like the sweet taste of alcohol. England loves it so much. He wanted to do more. But it wouldn't be fair to the Dane. He was Drunk and wouldn't remeber anything in the mourning. He wanted it to be fair. England ended up falling asleep on the Dane. :3

***~~~Bonus Ending~~~***
In the mourning...

Denmark woke up with England peacefully sleeping on top of him. It took a minute of him to process what he was looking at. When he realized it, he started screaming.

"What the Bloody Hell!" England yelled. "What is the Matter!?"

"Why are you on top of me? Why am I here? I am so confused." Denmark said.

"Oh... You got really drunk so I brought you here. The reason I was on top of you was beacause... Um..." England stuttered.

"We didn't have sex... Did we!?" Denmark's said. He quickly pushed England off and looked under the blanket. Still seeing had his pants and underwear on was a good sight at the moment.

"No... Yoj asked for a goodnight Kiss so I... Kissed you." England said. Denmark shrugged he didn't seem the bit fazed.

"Am I good kisser?" Denmark asked.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." England said pulling Denmark's shirt and pressing their lips together.

Hey everyone this was requested by a friend. I really like the way this ship came out I just love shipping the Fail Brothers Trio! They're just a werid combination that gose together perfectly I just Love It! Arg! I love you guys. Feel free to request anything at anytime. And if you want me to do another ship again just say so. I love writing these stories and really appreciate the support. Thank you all for reading my stories.


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