Denmark x Canada

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America walked up to England's house. He needed a spell, he wanted his brother to love him. But rather then Brothers, but lovers. He walked up the steps to the Britt's porch and rang the doorbell. He was going to be patient so England could do this favor for him. America heard footsteps, then saw the doorknob jiggle. Then the British man looking back at him.

England- "Oh America, what brings you here?"

America- "I need a spell."

England- "What kind of spell?"

America- "A spell to make someone fall in love with another person."

England- "Who are the two you want to fall in love?"

America- "Me and... Canada."

England- "You're in Love with your brother!?"

America- "Yes, okay I am... But that doesn't mean anything! Will you help me Arthur?"

'He's never called me by my real name, it was always Iggy or Artie... Never Arthur.' England said to himself.

England- "Okay, I'll find a spell... But I will do it at the next world meeting. So I can get him for sure."

America- "Thank you England!"

With that America hugged England. Then left.

***Time Skip to the next world meeting***

America was practically bouncing off the walls for England and Canada to arrive. When England arrive to prep for the Canadain's arrival.

America- "Iggy! You have the spell ready?"

England- "No you Wanker! I just got here!"

America- "Sorry, sorry... Take your time."

England- "Thank You."

***Time Skip|only 20 minutes***

America- "Dude Canada's here! Shoot him! Shoot him with the spell!"

England- "Alright, alright... Stay calm you twat!"

England had made magic love arrows. He drew make the bow and aimed it at Canada and with a swift twang,Canada was hit. He yelled a loud 'ow'!

America- "Alright Dude hit me!"

England let out a deep sigh and... Twang!... Ow...

Denmark- "What the Hell was that? That hurt."

America- "What the Fuck Dude!? Why did you shove me?"

Denmark- "Because we're friends, and we always do that thing. You not want me to surprise Hello you anymore?"

America- "No... No... You just surprised me at the wrong time."

England- "I hate to interupt but, may I have a word with you America... In private?"

America- "Yeah sure... Do you mind Mathias?"

Denmark- "Not at all, I'll just go take a seat, but... Never mind you wouldn't like me saying it."

America- "O-kay."

America and England went outside the conference room to have their private discussion.

England- "This isn't good Love, those take along time to wear off."

America- "Well how long!?"

England- "For a human 40, 30 years... So just imagine a country."

America- "Shit! Why me!? Out of the times he could've bumped into me, why did have to be that moment!?"

England- "Let's just go back into the meeting, Love."

***Time Skip to the End of the Meeting***

Denmark's P.O.V~
Okay, um... It was weird at the meeting. I just couldn't stop staring at America's Brother. I don't know what about him. Every time I looked at him, he looked away. 'Was he staring at me too?' I really didn't know what to do. I could feel myself blushing every time our eyes met. I never really noticed till now how cute he really was.

So after the meeting I stayed a little bit afterwards. I had to go get some paper work from my boss. I sat in my chair till he came and gave me my paper work. Ugh! I hate this! It takes so long! But luckily it isn't to hard. It is about normal, because it isn't easy. I was so distracted talking to myself, in my head, I bumped into someone by accident.

Denmark- "Sorry, sorry... I wasn't watching where I was going and... C-Canada!?"

Canada- "It's okay... Things like this happen. Hehe..."

He had a deep red blush on his face, and I had a feeling so did I. I knelt down to pick up my paper work and so did he. He handed me the documents and I sloppily put them in a pile.

Denmark- "Hey Thanks... You didn't have to help me."

Canada- "No... I-It's fine, I wanted to."

Denmark- "You are so cute!"

Canada- "W-What!?"

I let out a small laugh at his reaction, then leaned forward and connected out lips. They were soft, and they were in perfect sync with mine. After a minute or two we pulled away.

Denmark- "Canada I l-like you... A lot."

Canada- "M-Me too."

We connected our lips again in a long passionate kiss.

Thank you all for Reading! I love to do Rare Ships like this! So feel Free to Request any ship you like, and check out some of my other books too!





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