Denmark x Finland part 1

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Finland skipped down the sidewalk, swinging his arms back and forth, humming a tune that was stuck in his head. He was coming home from store to pick up a couple things. The sunset quickly and became dark. Finland became nervous and rather then skipping he decided to speed walk instead. He was only a block away when he heard a rustle in a nearby Alleyway.

His heart started to pound and he became anxious. He walked away from the Alley finding it that he best not know. Finland was only a few houses away, when he heard quick footsteps. He turned around and was quickly tackled to the ground. But it wasn't the person behind him, it was a person on the other side of the street. (So he was tackled sideways.)

Finland- "Moi! What was that!?"

"Shush! Keep quiet till I say so Fin."

Finland- "Denmark?"

"Yep... Shush!"

Finland stayed quiet with the Dane's strong arms around his smaller body. It was a couple minutes before the two were safe.

Denmark- "Alright... We can talk now... What are doing outside at this time of night?"

Finland- "I was getting a few things from the Store, what are you doing out here?"

Denmark- "I was sittin' on the porch and I decided to walk around a bit then this. Are ya' mad?"

Finland- "No, no... Denmark I am quite glad, what was that though?"

Denmark- "I don't know someone was behind you, and I just... Didn't want ya' to get hurt."

Finland- "Well Thank You, let's go back to the house then!"

The two went back to the house, and ate dinner. With the other Nordics of course. Although considering it was a Saturday Denmark was up late, playing video games, watching YouTube, and movies. Casual weekend.

Finland went to bed that night, he had a night made of that man. Finland woke up panting with a cold sweat. He went downstairs to get some water, hopefully it would help him sleep. He got to the bottom of the stairs to see Denmark on his laptop.

Finland- "Oh! Mr. Denmark you're still awake."

Denmark- "Hmm... Oh yeah just on my Laptop. You okay? Ya' look scared."

Finland- "Oh... Hehe... It was just a nightmare."

Denmark- "You wanna talk about it?"

Finland- "No, but um... Is it okay if I spend some time with you for a little while?"

Denmark- "Yeah sure! Here come on."

Denmark pat the seat next to the couch and Finland gladly excepted. The two watched YouTube videos, they took turns picking them. But once it was around 1:30-ish, Finland started to doze off.

Finland- "Hey Denmark? Can you come closer for a minute?"

Denmark moved closer, and Finland gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Finland- "Night."

Finland fell asleep quickly, and Denmark decided to put away his laptop and go asleep too.

***Time Skip***

Finland woke up to him snuggled up to Denmark (they both fell asleep on the couch). When he realized it his face flushed a bright red.

Iceland- "May I ask what you're doing?"

Finland- "Snuggling... With Denmark."

Iceland- "Do you have a crush on him or somethings?"

Finland- "What!? Don't be so silly! Hehe..."

Iceland- "Right, your secret is safe with me."

Finland- "How do you tell someone you like them... More then a friend."

Iceland- "I don't know, write him a note."

Finland- "Okay! Thank you Iceland!"

Finland smiled and continued his day as Happy-Go-Lucky, but of course he avoided Denmark.

To Be Continued...

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