America x Italy

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Italy walked down the hallway of Hetalia Academy. The school for the countries of the world. It was basically a school of just clubs that you participate in for 8 hours, 5 days per week. Italy turned the corner heading to America's locker. America had left his boomer jacket in one of Italy's weird club meetings. In honor of America joining Italy named a pasta sauce after him. It was Alfred-O. You spell it like Alfredo but I was trying to show you America's name. Italy continued to walk down the hall when he saw America at his locker.

"Hey America! Hey! Hey! I have something for you!" Italy yelled. He ran down the Hallway to America and stopped at his locker.

"Oh Hey! What is it?" America shutting his locker door.

"It's your Boomer Jacket! You~a left it at my last meeting." Italy said happily.

"Aww thanks... I was wondering where I put this. I thought I washed it, or Bacon, or Alpha, or Tony stole it. Okay literally any of my pets/friends could've stolen it. Thanks Italy!" America said taking it and putting it on.

"No Problem-o!" Italy said giving him a thumbs up. America blushed abit, America then couldn't help himself and pinned Italy to the lockers. He planted a firm passionate kiss on his lips. Then two made-out until they heard a tapping foot.

"Stop~a Kissing my~a younger brother!" Romano said. America stopped.

"Gotcha dude!" America said then trotted down the Hallway.

"Are~a you~a okay?" Romano asked.

"Y-Yea... No need to worry Romano." Italy said blushing.

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