Greece x Switzerland

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Dedicated to Scented-Candle-Chan for #crackshipsaresailing and making that AMAZING Denmark picture. Go check out S.C.C out. Yep that is your nickname now.

Switzerland walked through the park. Liechtenstein was with Mrs. Hungary and Mrs. Belarus. Which gave him some time alone. Lost in his own thoughta he had tripped. He got up and dusted himself off. Switzerland turned around to see on what he tripped over.

He looked down and saw a sleeping country. 'How did I miss that?!' Switzerland said. He stared at the sleeping man.

"Hey! Are you dead?" Switzerland said poking Greece with his gun.

"Stop it. If you don't you will regret it." Greece said rolling over on his side.

"Well you tripped me. So I want an explainmation for why you tripped me. Besides the Swiss army is alot stronger."

"Stronger than this?"

"Then what?" Greece then pulled the Swiss's hand and into a kiss. The Swiss man was too shocked to do anything. Then Greek man pulled away.

"Hope that gives you nightmares." Greece said as he got up and walked away.

"Hey where are you going?!" Switzerland yelled.

"To take a nap else where unless you want more." The Greek said and with that Switzerland started walking away quickly with a huge crimson blush plastered on his face.

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