Mystery Ships Part 1

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America: Hey Dude's I really don't want to talk about economics today

England: Me either

France: Wee, Angelterre

China: Well what are we going to do, aru?

America: Well...

America pulled out a deck of flash cards. Each had a question to where someone had to answer it. America explained it to everyone and agreed to play.

America: Okie Dokie first question! Best make-out session! Who's first?

France: I'll go first Mon Ami!

England: Oh dear... I have a bad idea about your answer.

France: Oh suck it up England and listen to my story...


It was back when America had his movie week. The one where me and England were married. It was Me, Prussia, America, England, Denmark, Japan, and Canada. It was America's turn first. He had of course chosen a Scary Movie. Well then Prussia didn't feel well and blacked out on us. Canada, England, and America took him to the E.R. It wasn't everyday your friend blacks out on you. Anywho Japan didn't like being there with me and Mathias so he left and it was me and the Angelterre. He was really scared then... The power went out. He was scared to death he was screaming loud. There was a power outage by a Thunderstorm. Which meant it was dark, and no service to call. He hugged me and I could hear his heart beat and him shake.

Me~ Are you okay, Angelterre?

Denmark~ Y-Yea... I'm just super nervous.

A loud clap of Thunder roared and Mathias glomped me. It ended up us falling off the couch with him with me. He landed on me. Well little did the little Angelterre know he pulled my little curl. I quickly switched to where I was on top of him. I then quickly pressed my lips to his. He didn't kiss back proboly because he was scared and it was sudden.

Me~ Oh come on Angelterre... That was pathetic. Let's retry shall we?

I put my lips to his again, but he unlike last time kissed back. I licked his bottem lip asking for entrance. I wanted to taste every inch of the Dane. He slowly opened his mouth and allowed me entrance. I explored his wet cavern. He tasted like donuts and beer. It was an amazing combination... I loved it! He let losse and relaxed, I didn't even have to fight for dominance! He let me over-power him. It was absolutely the best kiss I've ever had! Top of my List. Eventually he even let me French Kiss him.

We ended up sleeping at America's. They didn't come back until mourning. It was awkward trying to explain why I was asleep on Denmark though. The excuse was Denmark slept on the floor and fell off the couch onto him.

>>>End Of Flashback<<<

America: So you made-out with friend when we took Prussia to the E.R?

France: Yep!

China: Ai-Ya! Wasn't it Weird for you though?

France: No. It couldn't be as weird as England.

England: You Bloody piece of Shit! Take That Back This Instant!

France: Why you mad, Angelterre? Everyone knows.

The two argued over when they were married.

Russia: Are you okay America?

America: I'm going to have to talk Denmark about this.

China: I know it's alot to take in, aru.

America: I just found out that my Crush's Ex Husband made-out with my Best Friend several years ago.

Russia: That acutally sounds alot worse. I'm sorry America.

France: Sorry Angelterre, but if you see him again tell him he is a good Kisser!

America: You Ass-Munch! I'm going to Kill You!

France: No. Need to get aggressive, Angelterre.

China: Ai-Ya, Can't you just calm down you two?

America: Ugg... Fine. I gotta go though.

England: Where are you going?

America: I have to go talk to Denmark.

France: Tell him he is a Good Kisser, Mon Ami!

America: Errr... Ass-Munch

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