England x Italy

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After America's New Year party in New York England was quite tired. He started walk to his house he noticed a drunk Italian. England rembered what happened at Chirstmas. The way he took him in. He decided to take the Italian home.

He grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. He walked there when it started to snow. It was snowing really hard and they weren't close to Italy's house. Luckily they were close to England's. He opened the door and set Italy down on the couch. He closed the door and walked back over to Italy.

England sat down next time and combed his fingers through his hair. He saw Italy smile slightly. That gave England a warm feeling inside that made want to do something... More. He slightly moved his face closer to the Italians. England thought it was uncomfortable and moved to where he was sitting on top of Italy.

He leaned close to his face again when his arms just flung around him. His face was like... 2 centimeters away from his lips. England was just so temped, but Italy was asleep. Could he wake him up? An idea popped into England's head.

He used his free arm and lightly tickled him under the chin. He shook his head, but he was still asleep. After multiple different attempts England got tired. He flicked his nose in a last resort, but it still didn't work.

Then England leaned down to his ear and whispered 'Britain is going to get you Italian'. With that he quickly woke up. As he moved his body up quickly. The two fell two on the floor and their lips locked instantly. Italy actually opened his eyes for once and his golden orbs showed.

England grabbed the back of Italy's head so he wouldn't pull away. He surprised Italy started kissing back roughly. The two fought for dominance, but sadly England won (Just Kidding!). As soon as the two finished their Make-out session. The two headed to bed. They snuggled with each other exchanging kisses every so often.

Sorry I haven't posted on this book for awhile guys. I've been busy with my Sweden x Reader and Pruita books. So I just haven't had time to work on this. Sorry the chapter is so short I didn't really know how to actually do this chapter. Although I did make it work right? Eh, who cares (me) anywho hope you enjoyed this chapter! Like my Canada accent?


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