Chapter 14

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When Nick & I got to the bottom of the stairs, we heard Malone talking to another officer. "Miss Villers said Angel called her from a different number & asked her about any fourth of July festivities that happen on the beach. I guess she mentioned she has a friend that has a boat docked near there & wanted to make sure she could use the house if she wasn't able to get in touch with her friend. Now we just have to hope that she has Lyric with her, when she goes to the house."

Nick glanced at me, giving me his raised eyebrows. The other officer started to speak. "What if she doesn't even go to the house?"

"Then we'll scour the city & all the boats at the marina until we find this girl. I am not losing her." Malone said before she stomped off & the officer followed her.

"We need a plan, Demi. We don't know Angel's friends name & we don't even know the address of the beach house." Nick said, just above a whisper, in case an officer was within earshot. "Plus, Angel knows who we are & what we look like. If she happens to see us or get wind that we're in the city it could spook her."

My eyebrows furrowed together. "You're right. We need someone she wouldn't recognize to go around asking questions & we need disguises." I grabbed Nick's hand & pulled him up the stairs to our room. I dumped the bag I had packed & grabbed baseball hats, sunglasses, a fake mustache, I had been keeping in a box & my Halloween makeup that was in the same box. Nick watched me, with a confused expression on his face & when I looked at him & saw it, I stopped to explain. "The mustache is for you & the makeup, too. I thought we could rub some on your face to make you look scruffy. I'll have a hat on & OH!" I suddenly remembered something & dashed into the closet. I emerged with a blond wig & smiled, proudly. "From my costume a few years ago. I can wear it with a baseball hat. No one will recognize us."

Nick inhaled, watching me. "I hope you're right. I hope this adventure of ours leads us to our daughter."

"Me, too." I said, putting all the stuff in the bag. I called Joe & asked if he & Chloe had plans & thankfully, they both had nothing going on that day. Nick & I got our stuff, then headed to the car, telling Malone we were spending the day with Joe to take our mind off things. She bought it & we drove to Joe's. We explained to him & Chloe what was going on & together the four of us devised a plan. We were going to drive to the beach, which took a little over three hours & once we got there, we'd find the beach house, since Nick had managed to get the address just before we left. Chloe was going to be the one asking around town to see if anyone had seen Lyric or Angel. We had pictures of both, thankfully & hoped someone had seen them.

The drive to Coronado Beach felt a lot longer than three hours, but we finally made it there & drove to the block that the house was on. The house was near the beach, not directly on the beach & when we drove by it, I held my breath, thinking Lyric could be inside. If the car had slowed down, even a little, I probably would have jumped out & ran to the house. Nick must have sensed it, because he held my hand in the backseat when we passed by the house for the third time. No car was at the house & no lights were on. Of course, it was in the middle of the afternoon, so it was hard to tell if lights were even on. Joe parked the car a few houses down & we sat there for a bit watching the house to see if there was any activity. We saw none, so we decided to leave & go get something to eat.

Malone called Nick on his cell while we were eating, to give him an update. Her team arrived at the beach & they were working with the local police to try to find out where Angel was at that moment. Nothing had been turned up on her, at that point, which deflated our hopes. Now, it was a waiting game so we just drove around for awhile, driving by the beach house a few more times & getting disappointed when we saw no activity.

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