36. Terrible Terror at Taco Bell

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Present time:

Maximus' P.O.V:

"Hold on." Joseph stopped me. We were Skyping each other. "So you aren't coming to graduation? It's in two weeks!"

"Naw man." I frowned. "My dad just doesn't want me there."

"At your graduation?"

"No. In Los Angeles."

"Dude, there's something you aren't tell me. Maximus, we're like brothers. You can tell me."

Can I?

I sighed, "look Joseph. I'm still unpacking. I'll convince my dad to take me back, but I doubt it."

He rolled his eyes, "whatever."

He ended the call abruptly. I closed the laptop and ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

There was a ''ping' sound at my window as I walked over to open the window.

A small rock hit my face as I hissed, "look paps, I'm not in the mood to answer questions for TMZ."

"Last time I checked, I wasn't Harvey Levin." A voice called out.

I looked down to see Atticus climb into my room. He walked up to the door as he slammed it and locked it.

Atticus looked back at me, "I need a favor."

"I'm not doing anything for you." I growled at him.

"Are you sure? Cause your decline might cause someone special to die."

He held up a small picture frame in front of me. A picture of Abigail and I when we were smaller.

"Do you want the offer or not?" Atticus growled back at me.

I nodded vigorously as there was a knock at my door.

"Is everything okay?" My dad called to me.

"Yes Dad." I looked towards the door.

"Dinner is ready."

"I-I'll be there in a bit."

"Maximus? What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" I looked back at Atticus. "Just a pesky mosquito in my room."

Patrick chuckled. "Alright. Kill it."

"I'll try."

His footsteps where heard. They eventually grew quieter and quieter.

"What do you want?" I asked Atticus.

"I want someone dead."

I chuckled. "Tell me something I don't know."

"Shut up." He threw a gun at me. "I want you to kill Terrance O' Brien."

"Excuse me?"

"Terrance. Doesn't ring a bell?"

I looked down at the gun as I saw a symbol on it. Cross bones and a skull.

"I'll give you time to think." Atticus smirked. He tossed me something before he left. "Take these if you can't remember."

He jumped out the window as I ran to it and closed it.

If There's Revenge, There's War: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now