37. Maximus the Bambi

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Terrance O' Brien played by Dylan O' Brien

Jensen's P.O.V:

Terrance beamed proudly as he hopped off of the table at Taco Bell.

I looked around to see that Atticus and Hannah were gone, along with the dead body of Hunter.

Maximus was still holding the gun out, trembling with fear.

"I'll take that." Terrance smiled and took the gun from Maximus. He put it in his pocket. "So, how has everyone been?"

"What happened to you this whole time?" I exclaimed.

"I went into the marines for a while. Then, I got bored and came here. What's wrong with that?" Terrance asked.

"Who the hell is this?" Jace pointed at Terrance.

"This." Terrance pointed at himself. "Is Terrance."

"Who are you related to."

"Let me say it again. My name is Terrance O' Brien."

"Wait," Andy stopped us, "you're Teresa's-"

"Brother." Terrance finished. "Yep. After everyone ditched me in Vancouver, thank you guys by the way it was blissful, I went into the foster system. Found out my sister was dead at 11. Ran away to the foster system to live on my own."

"How did you know we were here?" I asked

"I was skipping with the dandelions- How do you think I came here! I was following Atticus."


"Since I got out of the marines."


"What's with all the questions?! At 21!"

"What have they been doing for the past three years?"

"Oh, you don't want to know." Terrance frowned.

Abigail's P.O.V:

I sat in mine and Aspen's room as I had locked everyone out, including Aspen herself.

"Can I at least have my comb?" She banged on the door.

I grabbed the small comb and tossed it out the door, slamming it back right away.

Everyone had tried to convince me to open the door, but only remained for 5 minutes. My dad on the other hand, sat there for what seemed like and hour.

"I'll take it from here." I heard Jared say to my father.

My dad must have walked away by then. Jared knocked on the door.

"Go away!" I shouted.

I heard some random noises as the bolts from my door fell off. The door came crashing down as Grant, Stephen, and Jared stood there.

"Thanks Grant." Jared smiled at him.

Grant held his screwdriver proudly, "anytime."

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