40. Drunk History

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I don't think I properly introduced Grant. So here he is in the gif above.

Terrance's P.O.V:

"Come on. Come on. Come on." I nervously tapped the tire wheel, cursing at the red light.

The red light went to green. "Yes." I cheered silently.

I passed though the busy street in my car. Andy left home with all the other drunk guys. He sent me to fetch Maximus.

"That idiot." I uttered.

I stepped on the breaks quickly, barely missing the police officer in front of me.

I jumped out of my car. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry sir. I was looking for my nephew." I ranted. "He was drunk and took of to God knows where."

"What's his name? I'm pretty sure I've seen him today." The officer helped.

"Maximus Stump."

He raised his eyebrows in shock. "You're related to that drunk driver?"

"I'm sorry. Drunk driver?" I questioned. "That's not him. He doesn't have his own car."

"Well he and his car were found crashed in a gas station. They just took him about half an hour ago. DUI."


"Driving Under Influence." He explained.

"I know what that is you idiot." I barked.

"Excuse me?"

"Look Officer- George." I read his badge. "I just want to see him. His father will beat the crap out of me. He's gonna get married."

"Maximus is getting married?"

"No! His father."

"I'll tell you what I can do." He smiled softly. "I will give you a private escort to the station."

"Really? All because of a wedding?"

"For one yes. The other, I know Maximus."

"What, you've seen him off the job or something?"

He chuckled. "Sure, something like that."

Patrick's P.O.V:


"I don't know!" I panicked. "Wha-What went on last night?"

Joe walked in rubbing his head. "Why the hell was I on a chandelier?"

"I don't know what's going on, but get out of my house!" She shouted.

I gasped. "Elisa."

"You dumbâss! Why did you do this to her? She's gonna leave you like she did with Jensen!" Joe exclaimed.

I grabbed my pants and shirt, running off to her living room. There I found Jared passed out on the couch, Stephen watching TV, and Grant asleep on the treadmill.

"What went on last night?" Jensen asked, coming out of the restroom.

"Look." Stephen pointed to the TV. I quickly changed and ran to watch with everyone there.

"Another night, another fight?" The news woman started off. "We have the juiciest gossip about the rising band Fall Out Boy and the rising stars Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Stephen Amell, and Grant Gustin. Theses 'party goers' were found, by a witness who remain anonymous, at a bar last night in Texas."

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