Chapter 4: Ex-Rogue

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"Can't keep up, Allen?" I breathed as I added another stone to the game board. I had been training all morning, by myself and with Barry. Wells thought it would be best for the both of us to have separate training sessions as well as one together. That way we could learn to fight separately as well as a team. Right now was Barry's training session. Wells wanted to work on Barry's multitasking. Barry sped over to the board and added his stone to the Go board.

"You wish, Parker," Barry said with a smile as he sped off to do the other games. Wells was doing chess, Caitlin had Operation, Cisco had ping-pong, and I challenged Barry to a game of Go.

"Where did you learn to play Go, Rose?" Wells asked as he moved one of his chess pieces.

"My mom," I answered. "She grew up in Hong Kong. My grandmother taught her how to play and told her she should teach her kids when she had them. We all started learning when we were 13." I added another piece to the board. I smiled.

"I won!" I yelled. Barry rushed over and scanned the board.

"You seriously need to teach me this game," Barry said. "It doesn't make sense."

"Checkmate," called out Wells. Barry went over to the other side of the lab to check it out. "I guess we still have a few things left to learn, don't we, Mr. Allen?" Cisco pointed at the screen. A robbery. Barry walked out of the side of the lab where Wells was and went to change into his suit.

"For the record, I crushed it in Operation and ping pong," Barry told us. I got up and leaned against the door of the side of the lab I was on.

I crossed my arms, "And got your butt kicked in chess and Go." Barry just shook his head as he pulled over the hood on his suit and sped off. The whole team went over to the computers and waited to hear from Barry.

"Cisco," I started. "How much longer till my suit is ready?"

"Not much longer, Rose," he said. "Patience young padawan."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks Jar Jar Binks." Cisco spun around in his chair and feigned offense. I laughed.

"Where's the nearest hospital?" Barry asked.

Caitlin answered him, "St. Andrews. Its seven blocks north, two east."

"Call the ER," he said. "Tell them they have an incoming GSW. Rose, get ready leave." I nodded, even though I knew Barry couldn't see me. I grabbed my purse off the floor next to the computers and began running down the hall towards the elevators. The day job beckoned.


Barry and I ran up to the scene, our bags banging against our sides. Captain Singh looked a bit displeased.

"Sorry, Captain," I managed to say when we got to him and Joe. "I had to go pick up Barry-"

"From the hospital. I was visiting a friend," Barry finished. Joe brought us up to speed. Apparently nothing was stolen and that they were probably after the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond.

"The guard says it was three guys," Captain said, holding up three fingers.

Barry held up four fingers, "It was four." I gave him a look and Barry started back tracking. Horribly. "I mean, that's how many I would bring if I were doing a robbery of this nature. That's definitely a four guy truck. A driver, two to cover the guards, and somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door, so four bad guys." I shook my head along with the Captain as he left us.

"That was absolutely terrible, Barry," I told him. Joe agreed and asked if Barry had seen anything else. Barry looked around to make sure no one was standing too close to us. We all leaned in as Barry spoke softly.

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