Chapter 9: Coming Home

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"Wells is going to kill us," I told Caitlin and Cisco as we got off the train. They had insisted on it instead of me just teleporting us to Starling City. Caitlin's bag rolled behind her as Cisco hefted his duffel bag over his shoulder. I decided to leave everything at home and just teleport back and forth as needed, save for a small bag with my suit.

"He wouldn't kill us," Caitlin tried to reassure me as we walked into the main lobby of the station. "At least I don't think he would."

"We should have at least told him," I said. Cisco pulled his bag over his shoulder again as it tried slipping off.

"I think we'll be okay," he countered. "Maybe if we bring back a souvenir?"

I scoffed, "Oh yes, because nothing says 'please don't kick our butts' like a snow globe. Where are we going first? Because I'd like to take a walk around the old neighborhood. Or what's left of it."

"I say hotel first, then we go to Palmer Tech to see Felicity." The sunlight hit us as we walked out of the train station and Caitlin started to hail a cab.

"Wait, Felicity works at Palmer Tech?"

"Yeah," Cisco replied. "She is the VP."

"Wow," I said. "It would be so weird to see Ray."

Both turned towards me. I shrugged, "I worked as his assistant during college. Best boss ever."


"Almost done here, Jerry," Felicity was said as we walked into her office, eyes glued to her screen. "You should have gone home hours ago."

"Who's Jerry?" Caitlin asked. Cisco and I looked around the office as Felicity stared at the three of us. I broke from the group and went to look out the huge windows. It was cool seeing the city from so high up. And from the nicer end of town. Though the view from the roof of my childhood home was much better. That first time Carmen had snuck me up to the roof of that apartment was magical.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity asked.

Caitlin answered, "You asked us to analyze the DNA off the arrow that killed Sara."

"I was just going to mail you the sample," Felicity told her as she put her hand over her tablet.

"Arrow cave," I told her as I teared my eyes away from the view. "We really wanted to see it."

Felicity walked over to the coffee table to grab her bag, "We don't call it that."

"I want to see the toys!" Cisco whined. He sounded like a little kid and I smiled because it was just too adorable. "I need to see the toys. Do you guys have an Arrowmobile?" We stared Felicity down with the biggest smiles on her faces.


"Felicity," I said as I watched her work over her shoulder. "We need these programs, like, yesterday. You have got to show me how they work."

She smiled before looking back at Oliver. Felicity then leaned in and whispered, "I'll see what I can do." I backed away and let out a small squeal. Normally I tried to be a bit more cool, but this place had me turning into Cisco.

"Since when did we start selling admission the the Arrow cave?" The guy Felicity introduced as Roy asked. I was almost sure you could cut a diamond on that jawline.

"It's..." Oliver sighed before he looked to Felicity, pointing at her. "Do you see what you've done?"

I got up from my crouched position next to Felicity and went over by Cisco. We admired Oliver's suit before talking in unison, "Incredible."

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