Chapter 20: The Life and Times of Harrison Wells

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"Where's Barry?" Eddie asked as he plopped down on the seat next to me.

"He should be here any second," answered Joe. "I sent him out for..." Yellow lighting blurred into the room and Barry stood in front of an empty chair.

"Pizza!" Barry called out as he set three boxes on the table. They smelled heavenly as I quickly set them up so we could start eating.

Eddie looked at the boxes, "From Coast City?"

"Supposedly the best in the west," Barry sang as I pulled out a slice.

"Should have been a delivery boy, Allen," I teased. "You'd make some killer tips." Barry made a face at me as we all started to dig in. Joe pointed at the pizza, asking Caitlin if she wanted any. I looked back as she shook her head. Caitlin took the news from last night hard.

Joe started, "Okay, six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

Eddie questioned, "What does that mean?"

"Road trip, baby," Cisco told her excitedly, as if that was a good explanation.

"Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City," Barry explained. Eddie nodded as Caitlin asked why Starling.

"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago," Joe said. Caitlin still wondered why.

"McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became like a complete stranger," Barry explained further. "Just a different person entirely."

Caitlin sounded unconvinced, her hands in her pockets, "Because the love of his life died? You of all people can understand how grief can change a person."

Joe tried to soothe her, "Caitlin, we believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother, and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan. We have to learn everything we can about that night. See where it leads us."

"Oh, um, can you cover for me with Dr. Wells?" Cisco asked her.

"You mean lie?"


"I need some air," Caitlin said before she walked out of the house. Barry and I both tried calling her back. I sighed as the door closed quietly.

Joe stared at the closed door, "Doesn't look like Caitlin's with us."

"We'll talk to her," I reassured him. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you and Cisco?"

"No," Joe said firmly. "Business as usual while we're gone."

"Copy that," Eddie said as he grabbed one of the boxes of pizza. He and Cisco brought it into the dining room. Barry wished Joe luck, but said he was scared of what they might find. I nodded in agreement.

"Scared is a good thing," Joe said as he pointed at us. "Scared keeps us alive."


"No priors, no arrests, not even a speeding ticket," Eddie told us about the case as we walked down the stairs of the CCPD. "And everyone who knows this woman, coworkers, neighbors, say she's the kindest, nicest, most honest woman they've ever met."

"So, unless she woke up this morning and out of nowhere decided to become a criminal..." Barry drew out the last word.

With Eddie finishing all our thoughts, "Maybe we should be looking for a meta-human. One that can control people's minds. Coerce them into becoming thieves. Is that possible?"

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