The Definition of Family

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I heard someone calling my name in the distance. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me again. I nearly happened to realized what I was doing to myself. My skin burned as I dug my nails into the flesh of my neck, throbbing painfully. However, I couldn't stop. My hands moved on their own.

Suddenly, a warm embrace had held me in. A heavy feeling on my body weighed me down. I could feel warmth that had been absent.

"Nashi...Nashi! ....hear me?....hey!"

Who was that? Who was calling me?
My vision was blurry this time, as I saw someone with blond
Tears welled up and my hands released from the grasp around my neck. My arms dropping to my side, hanging loosely.

"Mom, I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"It's not your fault, Nashi whatever you do, don't give in Zeref's magic."

"I'm sorry..." I repeated.

"It's going to be okay. You've grown up so well, it would be a shame to see everything fall now. I should know, because I have been watching over you for the past years, even if I wasn't their with you."

When I managed to get a clear understanding of who was actually holding me, it wasn't mom. Rather it was someone who was close to me...I was sure of it.
Before Nace had gone in, he said he would take at least 20 minutes at the most. The signal was that if the chain was tugged, I would contract the chains towards me and pull them out. How long has it been already? 10...15 minutes?

"It's shrinking..." Leo pointed the black sphere decreasing in size. "Times running out."

"T-there's still time...I believe in them." I assured. "
She seemed to have calmed down, but her eyes showed no soul. I couldn't sense any magic particles inside of her. Her body was cold to the touch. I took her by the hand and had led her out of here.

I decided to clasp the chains on Nashi's leg and tugged on the chain violently. Cody won't get mad right? There's not enough time to get Dad at the same time. At least get Nashi back safe and sound.
The chains glowed and it signaled back to Cody on the other end. The chain dragged Nahsi back to the outside.
From there, I headed towards Dad.
Finally Nace responded! The chains coiled in until a body had emerged from the Black Death ball. That moment, it wasn't all three of them, but only Nashi.

"N-Nashi!" She fell from the sphere and I ran over to her, hopefully to catch her in time. Leo was by my side and assisted. She landed into both of our arms.

"Nashi!" I shouted.
No respond.
Leo hurried and checked her pulse. Then his facial expression revealed assurance.

"It's still beating, but it's faint."

"Th-Thank goodness." I sighed in relief.

Leo held her hand and closed his eyes as magic was being transferred over to her. He smiled at Nashi as she was still under. I heard him whisper to her slightly.
You did a good job, Princess.

I could tell that those two have a history together. I don't know the details, but this is the first time I've seen such loyalty towards the key keeper.
He looked up at me and I saw relaxedness in his eyes.

"I'll be heading back first, as long as my gate is still open, she won't regain her energy."

"Alright, thank you Leo."

"Likewise." He said before he vanished.

I brought my attention back to Nashi and this flow of relief lighten me however, nothing was over. Nace and their dad wasn't connect to the ends of chains. He still fighting in there.
"I'm rather disappointed in you old man, you let Zeref's magic consume you." I spoke to his stagnant body flailing about.
He was unconscious and his hands showed the presence of blood. Just like Nashi, he had fought with himself.

The question was, how will I get through to him? I stood idle for a second only to remind myself that there was no time.

"Lucy..." He muttered with the spec of insanity left in him.

Guilt and regret had splintered me in half.

"Sorry old man. It was me who killed mom." I bit on my lower lip, "I'm to blame for taking her from you." I apologized. "You wish I was never born, don't yah?"

I slightly and painfully laughed.

It was silent as I talked to him, nothing but my voice echoing. Then there was shaking, and Zeref had appeared in front of us.

"I thought I had left someone behind...but you ended up coming to me. How convenient." 


"Natsu is pitiful, isn't he?" He spoke.

"Same goes to both of you."

"Now, show some respect to your uncle." he chuckled.

"Tsk, you both annoy me." I sighed.

"So what will you do?"

"It's all up to Nashi isn't it?"

"I'm afraid she is useless now." He grinned.

"Nah, she's Natsu's kid, she's my sister. Don't underestimate us."

Zeref smiled uncontrollably and looked at his brother. Then he reached into his sash and pulled out a large brown book.

"There's no going back now." He opened the book.
I couldn't believe it now. He is actually going to destroy the world!

"Damn you!" I shouted as he sinisterly chuckled.

"The time is now."
Pins and needles spontaneously stabbed me and the imminent migraines that followed. Without a doubt, it was the only reason why I still clung to my life.


Cody shook me awake as he held me in his arms. The cuts and bruises that were all over him. He was fighting's obvious that he's stronger than me...mentally.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded my head and looked around me, the black sphere was oozing darkness. What had happen to me? Where is Dad? Where did they go? How did I get out of their?

Suddenly, the ground began to shake powerfully. You could see the earth cracking beneath us and clouds of gas snuck out. I felt cold chill down my spine as the black orb turned red and grew in amber flames.

A dragon's roar.

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