Page of Lies

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When I had woken up. The first thing I did was set out through the doors to catch up with Nashi. To even think they she would go on without me?! And when I did find her eventually. I gave her a piece of my mind.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" I questioned with slight anger. Nashi whisked and hung her arm around my shoulders. Then smiled like she didn't do anything wrong. With the brightest smile ever.

"Because you were sleeping, I didn't want to wake you up." Nashi explained. "Kinda cute too."

She teased me and ran his hands through my brown hair.

"Anyways." Nashi turned around and stretched her arms. "Let's head to the Library. I have an idea to who could have poisoned my mom." Nashi said.
"If that's where you want to go." I nodded my head.

As we walked down the street. I witnessed Nashi's pace getting faster and more ahead of me. Like she wanted to walk on her own, but is scared to go all the way. Especially when she had slowed down for me a couple of times.

"Don't be scared to walk your own path." I said beneath my breath.

"Hmm? Cody, did you say something?" Nashi swung her body around and started walking backwards. Her gleaming brown eyes all on me.

"No." I shook my head. "I didn't say anything."
Once we had arrived at the library. Nashi insisted on sneaking into the archives without the librarian's permission.

If we get caught, tch. I didn't sign up for this. I watched as Nashi grab a few books from the shelf and piled them in her arms.

"These books will do." Nashi laid them on the maroon glazed rectangular table. The titles of them all were written with marker.

"You know, I can help search too-"

"Nope, it's fine. I can do it myself." Nashi rejected my assistance and seemed to be having fun. Even if it was to find the killer, murderer, or whatever...she still refuses to call the man those names. Just the culprit who poisoned her. Technically, the poison was just 50% of the entire matter.

It wasn't long until Nashi gave up from reading the content in the oversized books. When I glanced over at the grandfather clock. I noticed that we had been here for 3 hours. With such extent that she's willing to go to. I found awe and another quality of hers.
I couldn't just sit here and watch her anymore like this. I had to help in some way.

"Here I'll show you a trick." I reached out for a damaged book with no title on it. All blackened like it was torched with flames.

"Choose another one. That one is useless." Nashi pointed out.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. "But just because it's all worn away and unattainable for information. Doesn't mean it's just garbage."

Nashi sighed and crossed her arms.

"Try reading that. All the text has been burned. Cody, I bet you can't even figure out which way to hold the goddamn thing."

I held the book in my hands and could sense a slight presence from it through my magic.
"With my magic. I can tone down the numbers of suspects. At least it will be easier that way."
Nashi stared at me blankly and titled her head.

"R-really? You can do that?" Nashi grabbed ahold of my left arm all of a sudden, illuminating with amazement.

"I can connect your heart and the books magic energy with my chain magic. That will link you through the body of the book and who wrote it. However, I can only hold it out for so long." I added. "Plus." I scratched my head, "the sides effects aren't pretty either."

"Does it take a toll on your body?" Nashi asked. "That badly?" She held my arm tighter.

I nodded my head and she looked down.

"Then let's not use that method. I don't want you to get harmed for something like this. Even when it has no meaning to you." Nashi slowly sank back.

"But there is meaning." I shook my head and held her hands up. "It's because it's you. We're guild mates, friends, comrades, after all." I stuck out a thumbs up. "No need to worry about me."

"What's the point of your going to get hurt?" Nashi questioned. "Let's just keep looking ourselves instead of cheating through this."

"I don't care if it hurts me."

Cody suddenly sat down and placed his right hand on the book cover and his mouth started to move.

"C-Cody. Stop."

But before I knew it myself. There was a magic circle imprinted upon my hand. H-how did he?! It must of been when he grabbed my hands earlier!


All he did was playfully smile.

"Good luck."

His face started to vaporize and faintly disappear. What was going on? Is this the magic? Lights of numerous colors blinded me until my whole body landed somewhere.

I found myself in a corner of a hospital room.'s sad along side the bed! He's holding onto someones hand and talking. Mom, that's mom! For the first time ever I was able to hear her voice. The pretty muse that got tangled in my ears.
Dad's soft voice, calm and direct.

Mom is crying, she's suffering. My heart aches with needles piercing at them mercilessly. I wiped away the cries that had escaped. I wanted to leap into their arms. However, they can't see me. I'm so close to the mother that I haven't seen since birth.

I let my arms swing down and a noise got me looking down at my wrist. A chain had locked around my wrist. It was Cody! His magic.

Cody is leading me.

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