Wilting Time

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I might be as strong as Nashi. But it didn't mean I'll go down without a fight. I partially immobilized him with my chain magic and he took a few scratches.
However, the chains that I locked him in...he burned them into ash.

Once again. The stumbling and tumbling back and forth. Who was dominating and who was losing. And yet all of this, I couldn't see his face.

"What do you want from us?!" I punched his face with my freed hand.

He looked at me as if the punch didn't affect him. He took his elbow and shoved me against the wall.

"Sorry but, I'll be taking your place now." He spoke. "Don't take it personally."

Not here not now! Come on, is this a joke? Nashi needs me and I need her.

Who were to think that my life would be flashing right before his eyes as of this moment? I've haven't even told her.

Losing. I'm losing. My strength was cancelled out by his caustic burns. The heat.
I know if I call her name out. She won't come.


"Fire dragon iron roar!"

A gust of heat and iron scraps plunged the room. The man above me was violent blown off and slammed against the parallel wall.

"Cody!" Nashi ran over over to me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She kept apologizing. "Are you hurt?!"

"Yeah, just let me rest awhile..." I slightly smiled and fell back, leaning against the wall.

She turned around to finish the job.

"What the hell?! Who are you?!" Nashi bolted at him with her fire magic. Though he dodged it, she came it with a kick knocking him over.

As her hand was lit with flames. So was his.

"My my, so this is how you've become. I give up." He raised his hands up and this time, I saw a glint of a smirk.

"Who are you?" Nashi didn't lose her guard.

"I didn't want to introduce myself like this but." He took off his hood.

As I and even Nashi. Our eyes betrayed us.

"I'm you older brother." He confessed.

A slight laugh came from Nashi. Almost as if the whole world had been playing with her.

"Your kidding..."

However, at the same type she noticed the pink spiked hair, but anyone would have pink hair.
How was this possible?

At that moment he dropped his weapon and the aura became all mushy. Too friendly.
How she wished it to turn back to a raging battle to the death so badly.

He raised his arms. Is he going to attack?
"Well? No hug?"

"Um." Nashi's face lit up and she shook her head. "You crazy?!"

"Hm, even everywhere else is grown up too." He joked. "Not bad."

"S-shut up!" Nashi swung her flaming hands.
"You need to cool down." He dodged.

He looked over at me.

"Sorry kid. Gotta do, what I gotta do. No hard feelings right? We cool?" He walked over.

"Stand back!" Nashi raced over to me first and shielded me from him.

"Whoa. Still going huh? Don't worry, Im not going to harm him." He waved his hands. "Don't you remember me?"

Nashi shook her head.

"I don't remember having a brother."

"Damn, Nastu must of erased your." he sighed, "scratch that." He placed his hands on his hands. "Nice reunion huh? Well, I have to go."

As the nameless man went his way. Nashi grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

"Hm? A clingy sister huh?" He teased. "What is it?" He turned back around.

"It's so farfetched but everything has been lies and sudden truth." Nash's made a quick glance at me and then back at him. "What's your name?"

He raised a brow.

"If you don't believe that I am your brother. Then there's no need for names, now is there?"

A worrisome face came over Nashi's face and I saw the nervous front. What was she scared of?

"Well, if you must know. My name is Nace Dragneel. Your 20 year old brother."
"Cody, let's get  going." Nashi ordered, as she stormed out of the hotel. The sun had barely shown any light of day. Where are we going to go now?

"W-what about him?" I asked.

"Well. I have an older brother. So what?" She brushed it off like lint on the shoulder.

"What do you mean so what? Nashi, don't you know what this means?!" I tried to knock sense into her.

"What? That, yet again, my dad lied to me?"

Everything she had pointed to, was right...
B-but that isn't the point!

"Does it still hurt? You were ruffed up back there." Nashi stopped and inspected me.

"I'm alright. Nothing too damaging." I assured.

"You're limping though." She noticed.


"I'm sorry." She blurted out and embraced me.

"W-what's this?!" As I haven't gotten used to her sudden embraced. She always catches me off guard!

"I left you alone...and you got harmed because of me..." She grieved. "I'm so sorry." She repeated while tightening her arms.

I patted her head and smiled.

"It's fine-"

"Hey! No time for PDA, legs go!" Out from the corner, Nace was carrying a large brown bag. He grabbed ahold of Nashi and then my collar.

"What's happening?!" Nashi exclaimed.

"Being chased by the Rune Knights, seems that they found me!" He laughed as if it was nothing.

I feel like this runs through the family. The passive attitude towards reality had seemed distant in these two.

"W-wait! Cody is still injured!" Nashi made eye contact with me.

"You want a piggy back ride?" Nace turned around. I didn't know whether he was teasing or not.

Instead, Nashi used her magic and ice particles had spurred from her mouth and onto the ground.

"You first!" Nashi yanked my arm and pushed me across the blanket of ice. Kind of like a water slid but with ice.
Following behind me was those two. A surprised expression melted on Nace's face when he had saw the magic Nashi possessed.

"Maybe you aren't my little sister." He glued himself back and thought to himself.

Both Nashi and I blankly stared at each other.

I spoke, "What do you mean?"

Nashi: The Gifted Dragon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now