Truth Unfold

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The following morning, I found myself walking into what they called a cat fight. Nashi and this girl with dark blue waves were brawling. In the middle of the guild.

Should I call someone to stop them? But everyone is just watching like it's some kind of normal entertainment. Is no one going to intervene?!

"Geeze Nashi. You're such an idiot! Can't you take a joke and relax for once?! The other girl barked.

"At least my dad isn't a stripping freak!" Nashi countered. "Do you know how many times he embarrassed me yesterday?"

"Oi, I can hear you." Gray hollered over with a gloomy expression. "At least I had my underpants!"

The blue haired one crossed her arms.

"He's my dad. I have to live with his weird moments of nakedness. And leave him alone, he can't help it!" She grew louder.

"Tsk. You were just degrading him." Nashi sighed.
"You're just jealous that my dad is stronger than yours!" She countered.

"Heh? You want to go their Fullbuster? Obviously my dad is stronger!" Nashi screamed.

Is this what Nashi was talking about the other day? This was more screeching than I was expecting.

"Shut up!" She motioned her hand and attacked Nashi. Blades of black ice appeared and violently soared at her.

"Not in the guild!" A man roared with a red tattoo under his eye, his hand that had stopped the blades.

"Stop being childish, Gia, Nashi." He pulled on both their ears. "Are you trying to act like your parents?"
He scolded them. When I looked closely, he had light armor on, and purple hair.

"Mind your own business Jae." The girl named Gia pushed him back. "Just because your mom is the 7th guild master, doesn't mean you have the right to order us around!"

"Yeah, stop acting all high and mighty." Nashi backed her up. "Acting like our parents huh?"

I guess they didn't know they were on each others side for once.

"Oi, at least my parent wasn't poisoned-."
"Shut up, Jae!" Gia slapped Jae's mouth shut and frightfully looked over at Nashi.

Something was set off balance just now. Those words that wasn't finished, had made everything tense.
Like unspeakable matters.

Nashi looked at them. Those eyes of shock and sent chills.

"N-Nashi." Gia slowly walked towards Nashi and shook her arm. "H-he didn't say anything. Jae didn't say anything." She tried to convince her.

Nashi didn't move.

"He's lying, Nashi. He's lying." Gia said holding Nashi's hands. It was like the feud between them was non-existent.

"Nashi. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that." Jae apologized. "I'm sorry." He diverted his eyes and stared at the ground. "It slipped."

Making inferences, he didn't deny what he just said. He must of been talking about Nashi's mother. If it's true then.

"Natsu!" Gia shouted, "hurry!"

The parents overheard  and started making commotion. They came over to the boiling situation that just occurred. Not all of them, but the moms and dads of those guys.

I didn't know how it became like this...everything happens just like that.
I looked over at Nashi who was still trying to comprehend the facts that she didn't want to believe.
Jae didn't deny the note that Nashi's mother was poisoned.

"What's wrong?!" Nashi's dad questioned, witnessing Nashi in her frozen state.

"I'm sorry!" Jae bowed his head. "I didn't mean to say it."

He looked back at Nashi.

"Oi, are you alright-"

"You lied to me. You've been lying to me!" She finally managed to get out of her throat.

Nashi hid her darkened expression and ran out of the guild, leaving the heavy aura behind.
With everything I just saw...I didn't know what to do. However, my legs knew.

"Nashi!" I called out for her and I chased her out of the guild. For some reason, it felt like I had to.
I didn't know where to run. Where to express these conflicted emotions. I just wanted to get away. Far away from everything!
Tears welled up and made it hard to see. And just after dad and I settled the ice between us. But he never meant to appease with me entirely.

Why dad?! Why! I hate it. I hate this. I hate him. Some nerve to lie to me about mom!

Without knowing, I ran into the deserted grounds of where I have been training all this time. Luckily the dragons weren't here to hear my cries. My abandonment.

In the field of grass. Everything had just given up in me. I fell on my knees and hung over like a soulless doll. My heart aching in pain. Why was it tearing me apart?

Mom was poisoned. That's what Jae said. It wasn't just the disease that caused it. Something else played a giant role in mom's death. And all this time, I have been told that she died because of an illness all together.

My heart ripping and burning.
I could feel my hands surging in heat. Before I was aware, lava had seeped through my palms and melting the grass and sinking into the earth.
This is what the dragons warned me about. When my emotions are out of whack, I lose control.

For the first time. I felt the urge to kill the man who poisoned mom, I never had such a desire like this before.

Why and what led to all of this? For me, a Fairy Tail Mage wanting to take someone's life away. Nashi, you are no longer sane.

I suddenly heard footsteps approaching behind me.


I turned around to see Cody panting. As well as his eyes watching the lava spew out of my hands. Yes, I'm a monster.

"Don't run away like that." He said trying to catch his breath. "You worried m-me."

How did he even pass through the magic loop, placed by the dragons?!

"I'm not going back." I refused.

"I'm not here to bring you back." Cody denied.

"Then go away." I said picking myself up.

By now the lava had stopped. Though it was obvious that it was there, with the harden black rock glued to the ground.

"No." Cody said.

"Can't you just leave me alone." My words had betrayed me and cracked.

"Don't use your magic out of anger."

I lifted up my head. "What..?"

"I know you're confused and angry. But don't use your magic out of anger. Revenge." He said walking closer to me.

I just met you. You don't understand me at all. My life and everything that I went through.

"Cody, don't make me laugh."

I could see how innocently worried his expression was. It aggravated me.

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