The Black Wizard

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I saw the ground before me shatter like glass and rocks fell into the dark abyss. My eyes spotted Nashi falling from the sky. On the verge of submerging into the black hole . I used my chain magic and linked the iron chains onto huge boulders and swung like vines in a jungle.

"NASHI!" I exclaimed.

I reached out for her hand as she tried to grab ahold of mine. Luckily, I caught Nashi within my arms I safely landed on the other side of the cliff. Looking at Nashi her eyes widen as she was shocked to see me.

"Thanks, you saved me there." Nashi smiled and stood back up and patted the dust off her black vest.

"Do you ever think of your safety?" I pinched her cheek.

"Ow ow, of course I do! But not when I care for the safety of others more. There's always those select few, who have your backs." Nashi patted my arm.

"Am I one of them?" I awkwardly asked .

"Isn't it obvious? Haha, and I have your back as well. Now let's go." She shot her arm out and I grabbed it.

We both scanned around for my dad. The sod in front of us was drenched in gory red. Corpses and and suffering bodies laid everywhere. We ended up following the trail of blood. Before we knew it, the temperature around us increased greatly.

Cody wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Wow... Is it just me or-"

"It's my Dad." I interrupted.

"This? He did this?! It's like an oven!"

"I know. This kind of magic. I'm worried that he's going to over do it." I grew more worried.

That old man still thinks he young. He doesn't know that if he keeps thinking like that, more will end up getting hurt. Especially, me.

Soon enough, my eyes targeted into a specific soldier. Not just any soldier that we've come across. This man was wearing all black with a white sash. It's the man I met in that hole.

"What are you doing here!-" I called out but, before I could, someone called me instead.

"Nashi!" I heard my dad's voice in the distance and out of no where he had appeared behind the man in black. He punched him down and his body colliding with the ground.

I saw the man's face, that smile he revealed. Why did it feel so warm yet threatening at the same time? He's dad's brother.

"Cody! Get Nashi out of here!" His voiced roared.

"What are you even doing here!?"

Cody flinched.

"Sorry sir. It's just that-"

"Why you ask?! To see my idiot father do something that is impossible!" I shouted, "what about you dad?! What are you doing?!" My heart raced with my blood boiling. This pressure and burden weighing on my back.

Then I heard light laughing. I turned to see that Zeref was smiling normally...that it brought unnecessary thoughts through my head. Why was he laughing?

"It's nice to see you again, Nashi." He nodded his head at me. "It's been awhile."

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked drawing forward. Unless I'm overthinking things. Dad did call my name out loud just now.

"How could I not know the name of my niece?-"

"You! What did you do to her!" Natsu attacked him blindly again but, he was pushed back while blocking him. Like it was nothing.

Zeref raised his arm and a back sphere appeared. Then, it came towards me at a great speed. What was this kind of magic...I froze in place. Was this fear? True fear?


I opened my eyes and saw Loki standing before me. Leo the Lion. His hands flowing radiantly with the gods on his side.

"Leo!" He had opened his gate voluntarily again. This huge wall of light shielded me from the magic that aimed at me.

"Need any help?" He turned his head, "it's been awhile, hasn't it my dear princess?" He lightly teased.

Rather than making me happy, it wrapped a thorn wire around my heart.

"We haven't fought side by side together for a very long time, Natsu." Leo pointed out and nudged his arm.

"Yeah, brings back those memories huh?" Natsu conveyed. His hands bursting with flames.

We all glanced over at the Black Wizard and he seemed to be waiting for us. An invitation to death.

"Dad let me help-"

"No! Cody take Nashi out of here!" Natsu demanded again.

"Dad!" I came again. "Don't you trust me?!"

"It's had nothing to do with trust! It's about your safety! I can't lose you too!"

Natsu patted Loki's shoulder motioning him to take me back.

"I'll be fine on my own, please take her."
Loki shook his head.

"It's your daughters choice, if I were to take her back, she would refuse. If she wishes to close my gate, then I can't deny it. Natsu, it's about time to trust her, she's not going anywhere." Loki sympathetically explained.

My dad lowered his hands and sighed.

"Why can't I just be a father, that protects you?" My dad looked at me with his easy eyes and nodded his head, "alright." He gave in.

Zeref had thrown numerous black orbs of death at us and luckily, we sensed it and all dodged. They kept coming in after another, eating away at the earth. Gone into oblivion, it was like there was missing pieces of a puzzle.

Cody's motioned his hands and his chain magic burst out of the ground with 4 chains tying Zeref to the earth from all for limbs. From there, everyone used that opportunity.

"Fire dragon roar!" My dad and I attacked at the same time.

"Regulus give me strength!" Leo followed after us simultaneously.

A huge explosion erupted and both my dad and I swallowed it in. As the smoke cleared, Zeref was lying in the sod, while he began to laugh.

"It's the feeling that I want to be killed..." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Nashi, why won't you wake up already? Kill me."

"H-huh?" What did he mean by that?

My dad darted past me and had blasted him with fire magic after he had spoke.

"Then die already."

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